The Rift Between Us - A Guide to Rifting in Aion

by on Oct 11, 2009

<p>To many Aion players, rifting is an unexpected source of heartache and pain as you never know if the enemy awaits just around the next corner. To the rest of us though, rifting can be an awesome...</p>

To many Aion players, rifting is an unexpected source of heartache and pain as you never know if the enemy awaits just around the next corner. To the rest of us though, rifting can
be an awesome past time activity. For players on both sides of the rifting fence, we've put together a brief overview of what rifting in Aion is all about, including some information on things to watch for and some tips on how to survive your first trip to the other side. Read on for more information on the use of
rifts, the good and the bad associated with them!

Using rifts also known
as "Rifting" or "Rift hopping" so it's being called, is becoming more
and more popular as people are getting to higher levels. For people who
love to PvP, it really is a thrill being in enemy territory. Just
knowing that the enemy could be around the next corner, or coming up
from behind you at any time is enough to make the experience worth it.

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Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016