The Shimmering Citadel (3.9.2006)

by on Mar 09, 2006

The Shimmering Citadel

Shimmering Citadel Maps
Shimmering Citadel Basement
Shimmering Citadel Main

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Guide: Savanja and RadarX Maps: Slide <!-- if (!document.phpAds_used) document.phpAds_used = ','; phpAds_random = new String (Math.random()); phpAds_random = phpAds_random.substring(2,11); document.write ("<" + "script language='JavaScript' type='text/javascript' src='"); document.write ("" + phpAds_random); document.write ("&amp;what=zone:25"); document.write ("&amp;exclude=" + document.phpAds_used); if (document.referrer) document.write ("&amp;referer=" + escape(document.referrer)); document.write ("'><" + "/script>"); //-->

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Overview Minimum Level Zones Within Shimmering Citadel Connecting Zones Quests


The Shimmering Citadel is a magnificent island palace suspended high above Norrath, said to have been brought out by the
Djinn and the Naga from the Plane of Sky. Wrought with many perils, the least of which is plummeting to your doom if you aren’t
watching your step in the lower portion, this happens to be one of my favorite high end zones.

Many Djinn patrol this zone, most of which are in the luscious landscaped courtyards that connect the impressive towers
on the upper part. Sprinklings of wisps, and a couple rather odd creatures such as the angry little monkey, and something
called the “Meatbeast” that can only be described as a cow genetic experiment gone very wrong. The lower level consists of
paths winding through cavernous rock, with small and large gaps along the way that will drop you back into Pillar of Flames
if you aren’t careful. But you must also watch out for the masses of undead, and naga that are plentiful throughout the area.

The Shimmering Citadel is available starting from a mirror in the Pillars of Flame on the Naga Island (loc +884, -177, -1610). You'll want to do one of the other "access quests" to make getting to Shimmering Citadel a little more convenient, especially if you tend to fall through those cracks a lot. Those quests are described in further detail below.

Minimum Level:

This zone is well suited to levels 50-65. The mobs are mostly heroic encounters, so it’s a good idea to bring your friends.
There are solo’able mobs on the lower level, mostly the undead scouts that gather around the paths.

Zones Within The Shimmering Citadel:

Poets Palace (access quest needed for this zone)

Connecting Zones:

Pillar of Flames


Assistant to the Scriptorium’s Assistant

This starts with the Scriptorium Assistant Amro, (loc +221, +224, -48) in the top of the Scriptorium.

You need to gather a few items

A haunch of succulent flesh. Found on Meatbeast. He only spawns when someone with the quest goes near his spawn point
in the courtyard (loc +80, +145, -108) A golden pile of coins. Found in a large chest that spawns, at random, in any one of the towers. The chest is only visible
to anyone who needs the item, once you have harvested it, you will not be able to see it when it spawns. Nelo’s Tomb of Infinite Wisdom. This mob is found at the top level of the Scriptorium, near where you first obtained
the quest.

Return to Amro, he will send you to speak to the Scriptorium Keeper Samir twice before you finally return to Amro for your
Reward: Experience, 6g, and a item of your choosing.

Cleaning the Scriptorium

Talk to Scriptorium Keeper Samir, and he gives you the task of cleaning up. Three items in the room will spawn within the
same room, and you simply move them to his feet.
Reward: Experience, 3g, and a scroll for your home.

The musings are a series of quests given to you by the Muse located at the top of the Scriptorium.

Musings on Strength.

Hail the Muse and choose Strength. As soon as this is done, she will attack you.
Kill her, and earn your reward.
Reward: Experience, armor item

Musings on Truth.

Hail the Muse to get the quest. You are asked to go find two books, these items are located
in the tower with the NPC Kedar the Curator. The book of Mudeef is on the first level, the book of Vizier is on the second

Reward: Experience, armor item

Musings on Love.

Hail the Muse to get the quest. You will be asked to talk to three different NPCs.

Qwih Gelim is located in Sinking Sands on the northeastern coast. (loc –1474, -232, -890) The forlorn spectre is also in Sinking Sands on the northern coast. (loc –949, -224, -1440) Aquim is found in Maj’Dul, near the Court of Truth building. (loc –142, +150, -18)

Then return to the Muse to turn in your quest and collect your reward.

Reward: Experience, armor item

Musings on Beauty.

Hail the Muse to get the quest. She will give you three locations that she wishes
for you to observe beauty. You’ll need to sit (or meditate) in each location for a couple minutes, and then you will receive
an update once you leave the area. If it doesn’t work properly, it will tell you that you don’t feel any more enlightened.

The first location is just outside the tower with the Muse in the fountain (loc +137, +142, -18) The second location is in Sinking Sands at Pirates Perch Island. You want the palm tree located at the very top of the
island. Sit (meditate) and the base of the tree for a few minutes then leave to receive your update. (loc –2025, -160, -72) The third location is in the Pillars of Flame. You want to look for the big tree on the first island near the Ashen
Order camp. (loc +348 –154, -1661), and again, sit at the tree for a few minutes and you should get your update when you leave
the area.

Then return to the Muse to complete the quest.

Reward: Experience, armor item

Musings on Prosperity.

Hail the Muse to receive the quest. You will need to slay three mobs for this quest.

The first is a Shimmering Guardian, the cats that patrol the courtyard outside the tower with the Djinn. The second are the Silent Bone troubadours and dirges located in the basement of the Citadel. The third are the Watchmistresses, also located in the basement, I found a couple right near the elevator to/from the basement.

Then return to the Muse to complete the quest.

Reward: Experience, armor item

Quiet But Effective.

This quest comes from the Mute Bard in the top level of the Scriptorium.
Hail him and run through dialog (because he is mute) to get the book “The Mute Bards Tale”. Read the book to start the quest.

You are asked to find the secret chamber. The secret chamber is inside Poets Palace on the third level where the Mad Poet
resides. You will need to have completed the access quests for Poets Palace, as well as have gained entrance to each of the
levels within.

Once inside, there will be a scarab you will need to harvest that will spawn for each person with the quest. Upon retrieving
the scarab, re-read your book, and return to the Mute Bard for completion and reward.

Reward: Experience, 20 slot bag with a 35% weight reduction

Access Quests:

Getting access to Shimmering Citadel can be like getting into an
exclusive nightclub, it's time consuming and frustrating if you don't
know what you are doing.  There are two quests series that are
done for access.  The first, allows you and your party access to
the basement of the citadel, while the last allows you to teleport to
the center of the citadel from your inn room.

Mirror Access:

This series of quests begins with Zeke Two Tone (who I'd like to point
out is only one color) in Maj'Dul (80,40).  He wants to know more
about his heritage, and in the spirit of NPC laziness wants you to do
it for him.  First, he'll send you first to the Naga Island on the
eastern end of Pillars of Flame.  There is a journal (905, -1536)
which is just laying around a camp fire waiting to be used for
kindling. that needs to be examined.  Assuming you haven't pissed
off the Naga by repeatedly killing (*shifty*) you should have no
problems.  After examining the journal, you'll need to return to
Zeke, who suprise suprise needs something else.  Now why he wants
an old harp, and more importantly why it's on the ocean floor is a
mystery, but you can find it at (810, -1706).  The waters are
hostile, so bringing a friend might save your bacon.   This
will complete the Name of My Forefathers quest and allow you to speak
to Qadira the Naga.

The next in this quest succession is called Lady Naga who is located in
a very small cave in front of the Shimmering Citadel mirror (884,
-1595).   First she'll send you to kill 10 Djinn Pillar
Sentinels which are low 50's and solo targets.  They can be found
amazingly enough on the Djinn Island (1500, -100) although the spawn
spots are limited so shove any competitors into the shark filled
waters.  Returning to Qadira she'll ask you to kill Samirah who is
in a nearby cave (1101, -1693).   Samirah is easy, but the
two additional creatures with her are heroic and will require
assistance.  After killing Samirah, return and you'll be given
Samirah's mirror.  Activating this will transport you and and any
of your group in proximity to the Shimmering Citadel basement.

Note: The mirror can only be used in Maj' Dul, Sinking Sands, and
Pillars of Flame

Poet's Palace Access:

This series of quests isn't required like the last set to enter the
Shimmering Citadel but it makes it darn convenient to be able to port
up to a central location from your inn room.  Completing the quest
rewards you with a carpet that is placed in your inn room.  The
best part of the carpet, is that anyone is able to make use of it that
can access your room (thanks for having yours in Maj'Dul Savanja so I
don't have to port back to Qeynos).  Most importantly this series
is required to enter Poet's Palace.

First you'll have to fight your way out of the basement and take the
elevator up to the Citadel itself. You'll need to find the Curator (-249, 49) who resides in the tower on the opposite side of the citadel from the librarian. He will give you the quest called "The Master's
Museum" and ask you to collect one of the following:

Flawless Pelt -From Great Sandstalker Sabertooths in Pillars of Flame. This is an update drop so you have to kill multiple
Sabertooths. Cyprus Needle - Harvested at the Great Bonsai Tree (near +180 -1638). Be careful of the heroic Harpies. Impeccable Windsister Headdress - Windsisters. Also an update drop so you have to kill multiple Windsisters.


Broken Shackle of Tan'ke Rei - This is a 55^^ on top of the Djinn Island in SW Pillars of Flame Polished Sandscrawler Crystal - Kill Sandscrawlers in Pillars of Flame Perfectly Preserved Kromtorr Magi Turban - From Kromtarr Magi's in Pillars of Flame

After this, return to the Curator to complete the quest. Your next quest will be "Visit the Scriptorium" and will require the collection of 3 simple items. Sounds easy. It's far from it as all the items have a 5-10 respawn on them and is surrounded by heroic creatures meaning a group will take awhile. You will need to harvest a cage from the north tower, an orb from the south tower, and an elixir from the east tower. Respawn on the creatures inside 2 of the 3 towers is ungodly and your group will be fighting a significant amount of the time if you wait around.

Return after your harvests to the Caretaker and of course he's still got more work for you to do. Clean the tower Cinderella, kill the Djinn Cinderella.... The Curator will speak to you about the Librarian and treachery is afoot! You will receive the quest called "The Caretaker" and must confront the librarian to complete the quest. Be forewarned the Librarian will proceed to try and open up a can on you. If you're in a group, you can disengage and run away so another person can hail. If not you are well within your rights according to US law to kill him. Head back to the Caretaker and your reward is a carpet to put in your home that will teleport you instantly to the library in the Shimmering Citadel. Cool huh?

You're now on the last stage of the Poet's Palace access quest called "Be Careful What you Wish
For." Don't think it's going to get any easier because now comes the tough part in my opinion. First, the Caretaker wants you to fetch him 3 items: a red pillow, a meditation mat, and a phoenix egg. The red pillow spawns in randomly in Maj'Dul merchant tents.
That's right baby! I said the whole city. The Phoenix Egg lies among the Cyclops in Pillars of Flame. Take a group for those 57-59^^^ ones running around. The
confirmed locations I've seen on this are (-24,-399), (57, -401), (-149, -528), and (-149, -528). Finally, the Ancient Chalice or as I lovingly call it "Where in the crap is that freaking cup?!!?" This one is in Living Tombs and in my mind was the toughest to find because of the sheer size and hostility of the zone. I've heard rumors of a half dozen spawn locations but the only one I've actually seen with my own eyes is -438, -377. It's a huge cup probably coming up to the height of a dwarf so ignore the ground clutter.

Whew! What a pain in the butt, but now it's done and....wait. You aren't done yet. The Caretaker now sends you to a solo
instanced version of the Tower of the Moon in Maj'Dul. There are Djinn bottles you must harvest from the second and third floor. At this point, get together your group. The Caretaker has also been treacherous and so like the A-Team, your group will have to take care of him but unlike the A-Team you'll actually hit him. He is a 56^^^ but once he is killed, your quest is complete and you'll have access to Poet's Palace.

Lore and Legend Quests:





Please send any questions, comments, or updates to Savanja via E-mail.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016