The Tie That Binds

by on Jul 20, 2005

The Tie That Binds.

Reward : ( Ability ) Set Recall Point (Change your bind location)

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First step is to talk to Ethurien who can be found on the
Lighthouse island. Long conversation but easy to quickly skip thru if
your not into all the quest chatter.

Your quest should say
" that which time cannot
erase.  All the physical
matter around us is shaped and formed through its influence. 
Clear or dark, weak or strong, it is most essential to all living
beings." The riddle sounds familiar.  Perhaps this vessel
allows me access to someplace I have not yet been able to search. If it
does take the griffin to the Oracle tower station and start running
toward windstalker village. Type /waypoint -1466 -12 -360. Here you
will find a tree that if you look up you can click on and select 'Climb
the tree' this will place you on the aquaduct. Once up there there will
be an orb click the orb. Now examine the vessel in your inventory

As EverQuest 2 is oft to do, it will give you another riddle "...examine that which surrounds us all. 
The more there
is, the less there seem to be.  Hold this vessel aloft and revel
in its nothingness." There must be somewhere in Antonica
that meets this
description.  I should survey as much of the land as I can. And
your thinking about now...thanks a ton for this guide this quest is
some kind of riddle. Well head to the oracle station and take it to
steppes station. No running wont work. The quest update is this trip on
the griffin. Examine the vessel again.

"...not fear the third step, for only those without the power
to reason will be alarmed.  Take the vessel to a
place you have
seen many times before and yet not experienced.  Rise above all
else and strike when the iron is hot!" This likely refers to some form
of fire, if I have to
'strike while the iron is hot.'  I'll begin with the campfires of
friendly locals and see what happens." From here head to Sir Jeager's
Camp at -800, -12, 891. and mouse over the fire and put the vessel in
the fire. Now examine the vessel again

Last Step! Hurrah!! "read carefully, for someday you will become one
with that which the vessel must be filled." "This must refer to the
element of earth.  If I'm
looking to find my way home, there's no better place to start then the
Qeynos Highway." Head to the main qeynos highway. Very
near the frontier farm at location -739, -16, 192 is the quest update
and Ta-da you can now bind yourself to a different location.

The Tie
That Binds - Freeport

First talk to Heilanna in the commonlands. she is northwest of
the docks at location -560 -46 -832. Go thru all the conversation to
get the Tie that Binds quest, and the Item 'An Engraved Vessel' added
to your inventory.

First step is to find flowing water with which to immerse the vessel.
This means pride lake location 435, -49, -380. Examine the vessel
again, And head to the nekulos griff station.

Next you have to get a view from above, that means take the griff
doesnt matter where but next step is by the freeport gates so Id
suggest Freeport station. Examine the Vessel on the way.

Go to location -934, -43, -39 its one of the towers between the
crossroads and West freeport gates. Click the ladder, Click the Wood,
Click the Fire. Now run to the crossroads and then examine the vessel
again to finish the quest. And gain the ability to bind yourself in any
freeport zone

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016