The Tribunal Deity Quest Guide

by on Nov 20, 2007

The Tribunal Deity Quest Guide

Guide By: Savanja


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The Tribunal is the deity that truly represents balance and neutrality. With no enemies and no allies, The Tribunal is free to focus on only one thing; justice! Justice isn't always a pretty thing, but they even know that and they do not cower at the idea of violence to serve a greater purpose.

Once the great rulers of the Plane of Justice, The Tribunal has returned their unified voice to Norrath to bring balance and to see that what needs to be done, is done.

The Tribunal is a neutral deity, so any player may choose to worship them. These quests are all rather easy, the only limitation placed is the minimum level required for each quest. If you've decided that The Tribunal is for you, then visit Justinian Theo in Timorous Deep.


Justinian Theo (loc -288, 2, -154), the Prophet of the Tribunal, is found on the beach of Timorous Deep just north of Chrykori Village. Speak with him to receive The Tribunal as your chosen deity, then complete the following quests to prove your faith!


The Tablets of Judicare Septem (level 20) - Justinian asks you to assist him in finding six tablets of law. You are given clues that can be a little hard to decipher if you aren't at all familiar with the area.

The first tablet (loc -24, 48, 424) is found up on the Trythec Loft where the raptor are munching on the Haoaerans.

The second tablet (loc 2383, 60, 1001) is found above Gorowyn Beach west across the path from the Gorowyn Beach Outpost.

The third tablet (loc 2305, -8, 1398) is found in the water near the Gorowyn Docks underneath the handing shark.

The fourth tablet (loc 1966, 42, 384) is outside Mok Rent at the Bloodworks on the western side near the stairs.

The fifth tablet (loc 1914, 48, -232) is at the top of the waterfall (next to the bridge) in Mok Rent.

The sixth tablet (loc 258, 5, -712) in on the beach at the northern tip the map, northeast of Chrykori Village. A level 20 goblin will attack you when you reach this spot. Return to Justinian!

Reward: The Humble Altar of the Tribunal and Faction.


True and False (level 35) - Justinian sends you to speak with Zherran Tzizzink who is found on the docks in Enchanted Lands. You'll need to interview various people to find the truth, starting with Zhemp Whardo. Zhemp is found in the trailer along the river north of the bridge to Rivervale. Go directly west to another trailer to find Moh Tzorwith (loc 49, 1, -404). Then travel southwest to the Great Guard inside the wall to speak with Carlee Besser (loc 288, 6, -239). Finally, follow the wall north to reach Lahree Neif (loc 224, 14, -474) who is also in one of the room within the wall.

After reviewing your notes that are in your inventory, head back to Zherran and let her know who you think is lying. I chose Carly and Zherran responded favorably to that, so I'm unsure if perhaps any answer will do, or if it has to be a certain person. You'll now return to Justinian.

Reward: Faction.


Key Evidence (level 55) - Justinian sends you to the Feerrott to find Kaira L'or (loc -452, -6, 786) so that you may assist her. Kaira is northeast, across the river from The Temple of Alliz. You need to help her find a couple of rune keys. The first is in the Anaconda river (loc -525, -8, 205). Follow the river from where it forks from Greenblood River and you'll come across rocks and reed in the river, the rune key is in the water next to those. The 2nd rune key (loc -433, -15, 892) is in the river near Kaira going south. Speak with Kaira, then return to Justinian.

Reward: Summon: The Tribunal's Bailiff pet (+29 WIS) and Faction.


Trial of the Gatekeeper (level 60) - Justinian sends you to Everfrost to work with Kaira again. You can find her in the Icespire Caverns (loc -167, 46, -674). She gives you the rune keys then perishes! You need to go into the Vestibule of Righteousness which is found right near where you are, behind the boulder (right click and move it). find the Guardian in the Vestibule and answer her riddle. I chose 5 and then she attacked me, but was easily defeated. Touch the rune keys to the sacred vessel behind the Guardian, but only 2 are affected. You need to use the other vessels in the area. First use the one closet to where the Guardian was located, on the northwestern end of the icy platform, then use the one on the opposite end. Doing these in order will make them all work. Return to Justinian when this has been completed.

Reward: Justinian's Altar of the Tribunal and Faction.


The Jury (level 70) - Justinian will zone you into The Tribunal: The Sacred Temple of the Hammer. Here will you be in on a trial. Speak with the Seventh Hammer. Speak with everyone and come to your conclusion. I decided that the goblin was innocent due to lack of good evidence and that seemed to work out well. Its a cute trial, and fun to actually read through, so do! That's it! Return to Justinian.

Reward: Cloak of Justice (Gavel of Justice stun effect), 30+ gold, and Faction.


If you have any questions or comments regarding this guide, please let us know!


Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016