Tips and Tricks Every Guild Wars 2 Player Should Know

by on Apr 08, 2015

Whether you're new to Guild Wars 2 or an existing player, we've brought together tips and tricks every Guild Wars 2 player should know.


Below is a list of tips and tricks we've picked up, having played Guild Wars 2 since its closed Beta. These tips will allow you to gain money quickly, help you avoid some common mistakes and even help you advance through the game that little bit quicker. There's the potential to create a list that offers hundreds of tips, but we've tried to stick to just 20 and if our readers have any more, we'll gladly add them on. Also bear in mind that prices may vary. 

Tips and Tricks

Buying fine or masterwork gear off the Trading Post is the cheapest and most effective way to stay well equipped while leveling. Get new gear every five or ten levels. Sell any material tier six or lower to get some easy money, you can also convert your Laurels into heavy crafting bags to then sell.  Sell any piece of equipment you don’t need - especially level 80 equipment - so long as it makes you at least two silver. Everything else should be salvaged. Sell any level 68 or higher rare as long if it is worth more than the purchase price of a Glob of Ectoplasm. Salvage it if it is less than that price to get ectoplasm to sell or save. If a superior rune or sigil is worth more than the exotic weapon or armor it is attached to ,salvage it with a Black Lion’s Salvage Kit. It's guaranteed to remove the rune or sigil as well as other materials. Don’t spend your Karma at low level vendors and instead, save it for level 80 exotic gear, Obsidian Shards and exclusive armor skins. Edge of the Mists farming is the fastest way to earn Karma in the game so head there and follow a Commander. Laurels are best spent on: Heavy Crafting Bags, Unidentified Dyes, ascended amulets, ascended recipes and Living World rewards. Commendations are used best on: ascended accessories, exclusive skins and guild tools. Badges of Honor should be used on: cheap exotic equipment, hard to get skins and the Gift of Battle. Fractal Relics should be used for: 20 slot equipment boxes, Obsidian Shards and upgradeable back pieces. Pristine Fractal Relics are the cheapest way to get the exact ascended ring you want. You can also turn one Pristine Fractal Relic into fifteen normal Fractal Relics. The cheapest way to get to Lion’s Arch at any level is to go to Edge of the Mists from the WvW panel then just head through the Lion’s Arch Portal. The PvP Reward Tracks provide the easiest way to stockpile Transmutation Stones and some dungeon skins. You can level a character to 80 by purely doing WvW, PvP or some Living World updates. Citadel of Flame, Crucible of Eternity, Honor of the Waves and Arah tokens can be used to purchase light armor gloves for thirty tokens. These gloves can be salvaged for silk and ectoplasm but will require you to farm them. Every PvE character should have a stockpile of Fire Elemental Powder and Ogre Pet Whistles for difficult or long boss fights. World events are a great way to get rare items to salvage or use. You can find all the world event timers here. You can make a guild where you are the only member. By spending five gold you can give the guild 2,500 influence so you can upgrade it to have a guild vault. This will increase your personal storage space by fifty slots. Save all the loot boxes and bags you get from champions until you are level 80. The items you get scale to your level when you open it and waiting provides you the best chance to get something you need or something to sell.

Have any tips or tricks you'd like to share? Think any of these are just slightly off the mark? Let us know on Twitter at @PersistentWorld or via email on LewisB[at] 

Last Updated: Mar 15, 2016