Tips for Leveling Fast in The Division

by on Mar 18, 2016

How to level your agent up as quick as possible in Tom Clancy's The Division.

There are players that want to level up fast in many games for many reasons, and Tom Clancy’s The Division is no different. Some just have an impulse that wont let them stop until they hit that max level, some want to be able to take part in end game content, and others want to get their hands on that ultra loot that awaits those who make it to the top.

Whatever your reasons, there are a few tips and tricks you can use to make the level experience a more expedient one. We’ve put together our list of them here.

Collect the Collectibles

There are a ton of collectibles located around the city and each of them will give you a bump in experience when you collect it. It’s easy to get locked in on a mission, but if you start paying attention to the alleys and areas you’re travelling through and not just the destination, chances are you’ll run across several collectibles each tie you head out.

They also give other rewards like appearance items, another reason they are worth taking a second to grab.

There will also be the odd civilian in need that you have the option of helping out. While it may cost a bottle of water, each one you help will give you a burst of experience.

Unlock the Security Experience Boost Early

When you first arrive in the city and reclaim your headquarters, you’ll be able to take on several missions but you should start with the Lincoln Tunnel Checkpoint mission first. After completing the mission you’ll gain access to the first security wing unlock which in turn grants you access to the experienced agent perk that gives you +10% bonus on everything you do.

Not just missions, everything. Get this first to make the most of the missions and kills that follow.

Complete Side Missions

Each safe house in every district has side missions available for you to complete. These are great sources of experience, especially if you’re feeling out gunned in the story missions. Once you’ve completed all the side missions in a district, you can return to the safe house to receive an additional amount of bonus experience.

Like the other areas, safe houses also give a small amount of experience just for discovering them the first time.

Story Missions

Story missions are by far the biggest experience earners in the game as it appears Ubisoft didn’t want players to out level their content via side missions or other activities. The required level for story missions are listed right in their descriptions and at their starting areas. If you fall short, head to a district that has side missions available and complete them until you’re beefed up enough to take part.

Bring friends along if at all possible to reduce the amount of time spent in the missions. You don’t lose much experience at all for completing content in a group, so whenever you can group up, do it.

The downside of story missions is that they can only award their completion experience once. Replaying a story mission will not give any more experience, except for what you earn from killing bad guys.

Group up and Farm

As mentioned before, grouping up doesn’t cause you to take a massive reduction in experienced earned like the other traditional MMO’s out there. Many players are having a great time levelling by putting together a squad and then farming large amounts of NPC’s. This only really works if you’ve got enough players to make the process fast, but if you do it’s a viable option.

Will it give you experience at the same rate as completing story missions? Probably not, but if you need a break from missions or a bump in levels to reach those next story missions it’s a good alternative.

Last Updated: Mar 21, 2016