TTH Interviews

by on Sep 27, 2005

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We talk to some big names in the EverQuest 2 community and the SOE development team and bring you what they have to say about stuff you care about.

Here's what we've got for you to check out:

SOE Interviews

Ahoy Ye Matey: An Interview with Blackguard

October 23, 2006

With one of our developers and our Community Relations Manager off grazing greener pastures, the EverQuest II community has felt the tug of loss over this last month. Ryan "Blackguard" Shwayder has left big shoes to fill for sure, but even as we say goodbye to our beloved CM as he heads back to Colorado to start on new, real-life adventures, we want to never forget that before Blackguard was the CM, he was a gamer. Please sit down and take a moment with Savanja and Blackguard as they chit chat about gaming, EQII, and blogging!

An Interview with EQ2 Designer Steve Kramer

November 1, 2005

You might know Steve's work from zones like the Splitpaw Den and the
Trial of Harclave, and while it was a team effort, it would be hard to
match his love for EQ2 and videogaming. Join us for an inside glimpse
at what it takes to design a game like EQ2.

"Desert of Flames" Interview with Ryan "Blackguard" Shwayder

September 9, 2005

SOE's EQ2 Community Manager previews the coming expansion and unleashes some interesting details..

Community Interviews

Playing by the Numbers
An Interview with One of EQ2's Top Parser Designers

March 27, 2006

Deathly afraid of math since his misery in College Algebra, RadarX interviews Aditu the designer of the Advanced Combat Tracker parser. Aditu discusses what parsers do, how they are used, and attempts to convince Radar they really aren't networked into Skynet to create Terminators. He won't accomplish his task with Radar, but he will provide an insightful interview.

Opinions That Count
An Interview with Aggro Me!

February 27, 2006

While being closely monitored by the "Aggro Me Elite Ninja Death Squad", Slide sits down with Aggro Me for an interview and asks the questions that everyone wants answers to! Ok, I lied. I only asked the questions that the ninjas would allow. Man those swords and throwing stars are sharp. Oh and... if you're reading this, your drycleaning will be done by Tuesday like you asked. Please don't hurt me. :: whimper ::

Musical Parody and EverQuest 2
An Interview with Jethal, Artist and Musician!

February 22, 2006

Someone with a gift in art and music is a rare find. How much rarer is the find, when the artist expresses themselves using EverQuest as inspiration? The unbelieveable talented Jethal shares his EverQuest experiences and his wonderfully amusing song parodies. You won't want to miss them.

Crafting with the Carpenters
An Interview with One of EverQuest 2's Premier Carpenters!

February 10, 2006

Adeste is widely regarded for knowleged on the Carpenter class. What makes this class so intergral, and what kind of issues are out there? RadarX actually tries to learn something about crafting in this fascinating interview.

Coming Home!
Leaving the most popular MMO behind and why!

January 22, 2006

Unless you've been in a cave, or living with the Amish, you've probably heard of World of Warcraft. Those of us familiar with it, know it flexes its dominance like Godzilla in Tokyo. What brings people back to Everquest 2 from such an apparently popular game? RadarX interviews two people who have recently returned and finds out what World of Warcraft is doing right and what can turn people off to it.

Fellas, It Just Doesn't Get Much Better Than This!
A real-life braumeister creates an EverQuest II-themed beer!

January 20, 2006

How many writers are lucky enough to enjoy a quality beer as part of their latest assignment? Dan Riley is a practiced brewer and an avid EQ2 player. He's named his most recent batch for that Norrathian beer coveted by many a level 20ish NPC: Blackburrow Gnoll Stout. When he offered to share a sample with me, how could I refuse? It's a celebration of a great beer and a great game as I chat with Dan about his love of brewing and EverQuest II.

What's in that Can of Spam?

December 28, 2005

With a post count on the EQ2 forums that is higher than most servers combined, Asterothrax is no stranger to Everquest 2 or its community. This post count however, is only exceeded by his knowledge and love of the game. He'll enlighten, entertain, and explain his views on the forums, Everquest, and MMO's.

That Little Girl Just Owned You In Halo!

December 12, 2005

Female gamers are an emerging demographic of video game consumers. An enigma to some men and the initiator of an ingame pounding to others. Regardless, this portion of the player base can't be ignored. What happens, however, when the topic of how women are viewed in games comes up, and even the women differ on opinion? Savanja gives us insight into the feminie mind.

Finding the Feminine Side of Gaming

November 21, 2005

A virtual celebrity in areas of the Everquest 2 forums, Savanja gives us her insight into the world of MMO's and how it feels to play in a traditionally "male dominated" world.

EQ2's Master Poster Interviewed: Radar-X

October 27, 2005

7200 posts, averaging 20 posts a day since launch. Radar-X gives his take on the forum community and EverQuest 2's response to its critics.

Serpentius & Team Maverick Q&A

September 27, 2005

A guild leader for one of Oggok Server's most interesting guilds talks about what it's like to take a tight group of players from Level 15 to 50 in about 6 months.

Discuss the interviews in our Forums if you so desire...

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016