Undead - Tirisfal Glade Starting Guide

by on May 26, 2006

<strong>A Guide to WoW's Tirisfal Glades, Levels 1-10</strong><br />

A Guide to WoW's Tirisfal Glades, Levels 1-10

With their ghastly character model features and creepy starting zone, we figured we should do everything possible to make starting out as one of World of Warcraft's Undead as fright-free as possible. TenTonHammer provides everything you need to get from level 1 to 10 in Tirisfal Glades as quickly and painlessly as possible, including lore, a map, a region walkthrough featuring details on 35 quests, and links to additional resources. With this guide, "you" are all that's needed to put the "fun" in "Forsaken" (har har ::jaw falls off::).

"All Forsaken begin their un-lives in Tirisfal Glades, and you'll quickly find out that no race is more isolated than the Forsaken. Fighting not only against the Alliance forces but also the Undead Scourge held in ghastly thrall by the Lich King, few among even their allies in the Horde ranks would deem them trustworthy. Their presence is an aberration against nature, and their core motivations under the demon lord Verimathras are cloudy at best. Despite all the distrust, you'll note that many of the Forsaken simply wish to carry on their lives as before the Plague came; as you journey through Tirisfal Glades you'll see the twisted trappings of a humdrum existance. Apart from a few morbidly ambitious apothecaries, the Forsaken stance is predominantly defensive. "

Check out the WoW @ Ten Ton Hammer First 10 Levels in Tirisfal Glade guide, and give your corpse a new lease on life.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016