Updated Guide to Snipers

by on Jan 31, 2008

Silence that gear and sight your weapon soldier, we're going to teach you to be one of the sneakiest and deadly members of the AFS Infantry.

Silence that gear and sight your weapon soldier, we're going to teach you to be one of the sneakiest and deadly members of the AFS Infantry. Ten Ton Hammer has updated their guide to Snipers including all new information about skills recommendations and attributes from Patch 1.4. Don't settle for the mediocre, use our guide to become one of the best!

So you think you have what it takes to be an AFS Sniper huh? Only the sneakiest and most patient soldiers in the military can handle the tasks required. You will become the master of long range assassination by entering a kill zone quietly, terminating a target, and disappearing before the enemy ever knew what hit them. You will be as silent as the wind, move like running water through various terrains, and blend into the landscape as if you were completely invisible. The Sniper is a natural extension of the Ranger class, the major difference being CQB (close quarters battle) is no longer a viable option for you.

One guide, one kill! Read on for more information right here and be sure to stop by our forums to learn more about this and other Tabula Rasa news.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016