Upper Moria - Dungeons and Private Instances

by on Aug 04, 2011

alt="Guide to the Mines of Moria - Upper Levels" src="http://www.tentonhammer.com/image/view/101226">






Ghar-khafush, the bat cave


Location: 4.3S, 110.2W

Type: Dungeon

Mobs: Merrevail, Bats

Description:  A quest from the
Chamber of Crossroads sends you to "the bat cave," which
is not marked on the map. This cave is open regardless of
the quest... if you can find it. It's tucked away in one
of the goblin camps in the western "maze" set of halls and
passages, south of the passage that leads into the garden
area. If you can't find it, don't bother asking on advice
channels for directions - you will invariably be
instructed to go to Wayne Manor.




Location: 4.2S, 108.5W

Type: Dungeon

Mobs: Globsnaga orcs (level 60)

Description:  Tied to Volume II
Book 7, this cave system stays open afterwards in case you
feel the need to fight a bunch of Globsnaga orcs for no
apparent reason.


The Training Hall


Location: Fastarr, Dolven-view

Type: Private Instance

Requirement: Infused Garnet

Mobs: Orcs

Description:  Many armouries and
forges of the dwarves lie dormant in Khazad-dûm, awaiting
the hands of their masters. One such has been claimed by
the Orcs of Moria for a training hall. If the forge is to
see service again, the Orcs must be driven forth...

A quick and dirty daily for item XP and some decent title
scrolls. There's no real strategy here, but keep an interrupt on
standby for the taskmasters' healing inductions. As with all of
the private instances from Fastarr and Mundgeirr, be sure to use
the anvil after killing the boss at the end.


The Ghost-forge


Location: Fastarr, Dolven-view

Type: Private Instance

Requirement: Infused Sapphire

Mobs: Spirits

Description:  The ancient tomb of a
great dwarf-smith of Khazad-dûm is now the site of a
terrible evil. A Cargûl in the service of the Nine has
come to the forge, and with him many fell spirits, and has
put the fires of the forge to evil use....

Another fairly easy IXP instance. The ghosts largely attack in
pairs and pump out a lot of fear debuffs - bring a
Westernesse-damage weapon and plenty of Conhuith potions. The
Cargûl at the end is not all that tough.


The Spider-nest


Location: Fastarr, Dolven-view

Type: Private Instance

Requirement: Infused Adamant

Mobs: Spiders

Description:   The returning
dwarves go heedlessly into the dark of Moria. Their
scouts, seeking a lost forge, find instead a nest of
deadly spiders. The spiders prefer the blood of the
living, and so there is still hope for their rescue....

The crystalline spiders have snagged a band of hapless dwarves
and wrapped them up in snug cocoons. Clear the first area and free
the dwarves from the two cocoons there. Once they are free,
establish a pattern of killing a few white spiders and waiting for
a red one to drop down - a banner will come up telling you when
one of the red spiders spawns in. Engage it quickly before it
heads for one of the cocoons and eats a trap dwarf - if you lose 3
dwarves, you fail the instance and need to bring another infused
adamant to Fastarr to try it again. Once 6 of the dwarves are
free, the boss spider spawns in - it's a good idea to kill all the
smaller spiders before freeing the dwarves so you have
manouvering room when fighting the boss.


The Mithril Slaves


Location: Mundgeirr, Dolven-view

Type: Private Instance

Requirement: Infused Garnet

Mobs: Orcs, Goblins

Description:  Dwarves are not alone
in their search for mithril. Orcs and goblins toil within
the barren mines, seeking some small vein of Moria-silver
to use against the Free Peoples, or at the least to keep
it from them....

Another easy one - kill your way through the mines until you
reach the boss, then kill him and use the anvil. The goblins drop
the mithril bits you need for the quest.


The Morroval-outcasts


Location: Mundgeirr, Dolven-view

Type: Private Instance

Requirement: Infused Sapphire

Mobs: Merrevail

Description:  In the deep places of
Moria, an ancient and hidden dwarf-forge has been
penetrated by an outcast band of merrevail, seeking the
tools which lie there in disuse. To what ends such
creatures might put them remains unknown....

This one is more aggravating than it is tough. The merrevail have
stun attacks which can be interrupted, but they also like to
attack in pairs. Periodically, a weak and small runner will
attempt to make a break for it - a billboard pops up to announce
each would-be escapee. They often come from the opposite direction
you're fighting in, so you will have to run back to the entrance
ramp to stop them. The robbers are the ones with the tools for the


The Library of Steel


Location: Mundgeirr, Dolven-view

Type: Private Instance

Requirement: Infused Adamant

Mobs: Orcs, Grims

Description:  The Library of Steel
contains many secrets of the smithy, protected by the
wards of the dwarves, for which they are well-known. Now
the Ghash-hai seek to summon lesser fire-spirits to break
the wards and ravage the library and the forge within....

The goal here is to wipe out the summoners before they summon
enough fire-spirits to catch all the books on fire. You'll have to
fight your way to the summoners through a screen of axe-wielding
orcs, but you can pretty much ignore the fire-spirits until there
are about 6 or 7 of them - then you need to get serious about
keeping their numbers under control. The fire-spirits are weak and
can usually be taken out in one hit. Do a patrol around the areas
where the summoners are and take out a few of them, then go back
to hunting down the summoners. Once the summoners are all dead,
the fire-spirits stop spawning and you can go take care of the
uruk boss at the top.





Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016