WAR Career Page - RunePriest

by on Oct 27, 2006

<b>Who needs magic? Not Dwarves!</b><p>

Who needs magic? Not Dwarves!

Today we see the release of the final Dwarf career; the RunePriest. Capable of dealing with foes in melee, as well as healing friends with their potent runes, the RunePriest seems to be the caster/buff class of the Dwarven arsenal. To honor this new class, we here at TenTonHammer have put up all the information you need to learn about this class. Here's a peek:

Dwarfs don’t go in for magic. Like so many things embraced by humans and their allies it’s just much too new-fangled and unreliable, at least from the Dwarfen point of view. Now runes on the other hand, that’s a whole different story. Runes have an old power. Their carving is a ritual so refined that the results are as expected as rocks rolling down hill. The keepers of this art are the Runepriests, adepts and sages who spend their lives learning the language of runes. With their craft they can create effects of stunning power, accosting their foes with the power of the earth itself. They can also harden their allies against the most damaging of attacks, and heal their wounds.

You can read the entire RunePriest career page by Clicking Here.

A forum thread has been started about the RunePriest on our boards located here.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016