WAR: Gunbad - The Lab Path

by on Nov 26, 2008

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The Lab path is by far the easiest you'll find in Gunbad and should be your first stop with a group around 22-25. If you plan on going all the way to the instance at the end, be sure to grab The Threat from Masta Mixa from Dordean Stormaxe. When you enter the zone, head to the right and cross a bridge. Just on the otherside you'll find some level 23 champion spiders and greenskins not to mention Griznik who is the named required for Culling/Killing Griznik. The 6 Redeye Night Goblins you'll find as continue along this path. Make sure to note that if you are warbanding this, the group that pulls him or the Night Goblins will be the only one who gets credit for the kill so you may have to revisit these locations. Griznik's respawn time appears to be roughly 15 minutes.

Mangle the Wrangla

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Past the first series of mobs you will run into the first Public Quest called Mangle the Wrangla. The first 2 PQ's on each path are only two stages which consist of killing some Champion con mobs plus a named Hero. For this one you'll need the following:

8 Stonemaw War Trolls

8 Blightbreath War Trolls

8 Dreadmane Howlas

3 Redeye Wranglas

You'll find these easily as you make your way down but don't rush past where you see the small spiders. Before you make that hard right if you walk back in the corner a giant spider will spawn. Brood Mother Szikalax is a 23 Champion and her babies can make life a little difficult on the healers. While it isn't necessary to kill her she usually drops a nice piece of gear. As you head deeper in the caverns be mindful of pulling as there are numerous patrols and it's easy to unintenionally grab too much. When you've killed this 27 creatures you'll see Masta Wrangla Glix spawn a little further down. It's usually easiest to take out his small pack of Squigs so you can focus your attention on this level 24 Hero. He does summon Trolls to help so make haste in killing him. Have everyone grab their rewards and move forward quickly as this area will respawn soon.

Kizzig's Gobbo Palace

As you move into a small underground village, the creatures will change slightly. The Trolls are now replaced with squigs and lots of them. Kizzig's Gobbo Palace requires you to do the following for Stage 1:

Kill 10 Snotlings

Kill 30 Redeye Villagers

The snotlings are bouncing around everywhere and will likely be killed just to get around them. The 30 Redeye can be any goblins you can see in this general area and will either be melee mounted on wolves or the softer Alchemists. One creature to note (and is hard to miss) is Blarpot the Old. While he doesn't appear to be for any quest, he does occasionally drop a piece of decent gear. And if that isn't enough, it's almost impossible to go around him anyway so you might as well just suck it up and kill him.

Elder Kizzig da Waaagha not only has an awesome name but is quite a bit harder than Masta Wrangla Glix was. Primarily he has a 360 AoE so no one should be on top of him unless they need to be. This also means that Mr. Witch Hunter and Ms. Witch Elf need to mindful of their health. Tanks should have no issue going toe to toe but keep an eye out for his Squig pet Chipfang Da Lit'l. It's a mild annoyance and he'll be routinely sent to kill a random party member, but if you kill him Kizzig enrages and it hurts. A lot. Grab your loot, pat yourselves on the back, and move into the final area.

Mad Mixas

You'll move past a gate into a room full of undead. Feel free to kill the giant skeleton as you don't want something hitting that hard running around loose. The Mad Mixas is the final PQ in this area and has 3 stages. The first requires you to kill the following:

30 Risen Undead

3 Redeye Mixas

The Undead are easily visible and you'll find the 3 Redeye Mixas around the cauldron. Clearing the entire area will give you a little bit of elbow room which will be beneficia for the final encounter. Once Stage 1 has been completed Shaman Verboom will pop up in front of the cauldron. Don't let the Stage objective fool you, you don't need to kill 10 Night Goblins. Verboom needs to die before 10 of them jump in. Every few seconds one will rush out and canonball and although we've never personally seen more than 4 make it, by our estimates it shouldn't take more than 90 seconds for all 10. The bottom line here, is if you can't kill a 24 champion in that time, go ahead and hang up doing the final encounter.

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Stage III brings the toughest fight you'll encounter in the Labs, the Herald of Solithex. He floats in like a grim reaper, and he's going to be just as hard as he looks. This is a long fight so if the last 2 PQ's have lulled you into being secure in your party, you might lose this one. He is a level 25 Hero and has enough hitpoints that 2 groups will have a good 5 minute fight with him. One of the most important things for the group to remember is he has a frontal attack so only tanks should be in front of him.

If you play Order, you are likely very familiar with those irritating purple and black pools that Magus use against you. The Herald enjoys not only using them, but three or four at a time so everyone should be on their toes. As a level 24 Witch Hunter, a pool would kill me in about 4 seconds. A tank can easily move him around the room to mitigate the chaos of these pool drops. Beyond that just hit him a lot for a very long time and this PQ is complete leaving only the Lab itself.

style="color: rgb(204, 153, 51); font-size: 16pt; font-weight: bold;">The Lab

This is a single group instance, so if you have warbanded it thus far make sure to even out your groups before parting ways. Everyone in the group will need to have the first bubble of influence filled before attempting to enter. This will be a fairly straight forward encounter but you only get one shot, and failure means you are locked out. The instance itself looks unassuming but don't be fooled. Three boiling pots and a giant named Krunk da Big 'Un who just seems hungry. Go after Krunk who will fight digilgently until he's almost dead and the Masta Mixa will appear. He'll reprimand Krunk who will be chickenized and run away.

The Masta Mixa does require a bit of group coordination but not on the level the Herald did. He does use giant fists to smack people so keep moving as they drop. While he does say which player he is casting the fist on, watching battle spam like that isn't realistic for the non-hardcore so just watch the fists. After you've whittled him down again he sends out a pet (yeah it's a stick) which will float around and attack players at random. The danger isn't in the annoying amount of damage done, it's the stuns which can grab your healer at an inopportune moment. Unfortunately you can't kill but AE snares seem to work. Other than that try kill him as quickly as possible and enjoy the loot he droops. .

Congratulations you are done with the Gunbad Lab path!

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Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016