WAR: Stalker Armor Set Info

by on Oct 27, 2008

<p>Armor Sets are a big deal in Warhammer Online, and knowing the trick to winning the pieces can be difficult at times.

Armor Sets are a big deal in Warhammer Online, and knowing the trick to winning the pieces can be difficult at times. Massively has put together a guide for obtaining the Stalker Armor set, which outfits classes in the 20-26 range. Just like previous quest lines, the Stalker set requires several quests and Hero kills to obtain the pieces.

After killing a whole bunch of players, you'll need to bring a group of friends to take on some Hero mobs. The end result is a set of gear complete with bonuses, Armory unlocks and a title: The Stalker.

Stalker Armor Set

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016