WAR: Tier 3 Scenario: Doomfist Crater

by on Nov 23, 2008

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Tier 3 Scenario: Doomfist Crater

Doomfist Crater contains a single capture location and three Doomfist Ore. Carrying the Doomfist Ore will augment point gains from kills, and capturing the center platform will give your Realm points towards victory! Carrying the Doomfist Ore grants 25% more damage, but you must continually slay players to retain this power!

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We continue our Scenario Guides with a look at the Tier 3 Scenario: Doomfist Crater.  Doomfist Crater gives some of the best Renown and XP possible in any of the Tier 3 Scenarios.  You will enjoy the constant action Doomfist provides.  Within seconds of leaving your spawn point, you will be up to your elbows (or ears if you are a Goblin) in enemies.

Basic Strategy

At its heart Doomfist Crater is simply a King of The Hill Scenario with the Orbs thrown in for a twist.  Simply run to the center, and hold your ground at the flag while your enemy tries to do the same.  You get points for controlling the flag, and points for every enemy killed.  The first to 500 wins, with a 15 minute time limit.

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Doomfist Flag

Tip: Don’t get caught up on the bridges, everyone should move quickly to the center of the flag. You can’t claim it by staying back.

You can see on the map that both sides start the same distance from the flag. At the start of the Scenario each side races to the flag. The battle over the flag will be chaotic and tough.  The only way to take and hold the area around the flag is with tactics, and communication.  Protect your healers, move as a group, and kill the enemy healers as fast as you can.

Tip: You can use the Doomfist Orbs to do extra damage if your side does not control the flag, however you will die holding it if you don’t kill enemy players fast enough.

Class Roles

Tanks: Your primary job in Doomfist is to get to the flag. You can take the most damage, and have the best survivability, so rush the flag, and stay there as long as you can.  Concentrate on taking out enemy healers, and make sure you put Guard on your healers.  In this Scenario everyone stays bunched up together, so you don’t have to worry about getting out of range of Guard.  Without Guard your healers will die quickly!

Tip: It doesn’t matter how many of your enemies are taking the flag, if just one person on your team is close to the flag, it will stop the other side from claiming it.

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Doomfist From On High

Melee DPS: Your primary job in Doomfist is to kill the enemy Healers and Ranged DPS.  The nice thing about this Scenario is that everyone bunches up trying to take the flag.  This puts those who normally hide in the back, right up next to you.  Don’t get pulled away from the flag.  Often times players will charge after retreating enemies, caught up in a bloody haze, don’t let this happen to you.  All you need to do is hold the flag and you win.

Ranged DPS: Your primary job in Doomfist is to take out enemy Healers.  Without their Healers the rest of their team will drop like Dark Elves drinking Dwarven Ale.  Use any AOE attacks you have as often as possible.  Everyone will be bunched up around the flag so hit them fast and hard, and keep hitting them until they back up. Don't get too carried away with chasing them, if they decide to run, let them. Your job is to keep the flag under your sides control. The idea of the game here is to stay together and keep the enemy away from the flag.

Healer: Your primary job in Doomfist is to keep your Tanks standing. While of course you want to heal everyone, the Tanks are your best bet on holding the flag, so concentrate on them first.  You will really need to be watching your action points in Doomfist. You will quickly run out, so cast any AP taps you can on any enemy players that get close (trust me, there will be plenty around). This will replenish your action points, and keep the enemy players from getting off many attacks.


The main key to success in Doomfist Crater is to stay together and stay at the flag. Don’t get caught up on the bridges, or chasing retreating enemy players.  Your first and only job is to control the flag.  Whichever side holds it the longest almost always wins.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016