Warcraft 3 Reforged: Human One-Base Build

by on Jan 14, 2020

The one-base build order offers Warcraft 3 Reforged players a safe, flexible build that gives up a stronger economy for faster tech. 

Human One-Base Build Order

The one-base build order offers Warcraft 3 Reforged players a safe, flexible build that gives up a stronger economy for faster tech. 

Here is the build order:

Queue up a Peasant (keep building them as you go, you will need to build 8 of them.) 4 Peasants go to the Gole Mine The 5th Peasant drops an Altar The 1st Peasant to pop will build the framework for a Farm, but not complete it.  This Peasant then drops a Barracks. The next Peasant to pop finishes the Farm that is started and will continue to build 2 more Farms.  The next Peasant to pop will go to the Gold Mine. When the Farm and Altar finish, train the Hero of your choice.  The Peasant that built the Altar will scout.  As Peasants pop, send them to acquire Lumber.  Once you have 20 wood, drop a Tower for defense and then upgrade it.  When your Hero pops, militia 5 Peasants and creep your first camp.   At 210 wood start teching up.  You have a fantastic, safe starting point with a build that is flexible enough to take you in any direction depending on what your scout has found. 

That's it!  Practice, practice, practice, until this build becomes second nature to you.  

The video below is Rezzel using this build and explaining it as he goes.   Worth watching if you are confused by the build order above. 


Looking for more Warcraft 3: Reforged Guides and Build Orders?  Visit the Warcraft 3: Reforged Portal.  

Last Updated: Jan 14, 2020