Warlock Guide - Optional Quests

by on Nov 02, 2007

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Optional Quests

Felsteed Quest

Felsteed Quest #1: Summon Felsteed

Level Obtained: 40

Obtained From: Zevrost (Horde) / Briarthorn (Alliance)

Description: The respective NPC trainer will direct you to Strahad in Ratchet.

Felsteed Quest #2: Summon Felsteed

Level Obtained: 40

Obtained From: Strahad

Description: Talk to Strahad and he will teach you how to summon your Felsteed.

Infernal Pet Quest


At level 50, Niby the Almighty in Felwood will have a quest for you - it is the quest to let you summon an Infernal of your own!

To start this quest, head over to Felwood's middle area near the Infernal pit and you shall see Niby the gnome and his Imp pet, this NPC will be giving you your quest for the Infernal and also your level 50 quest for a warlock item, which could be, a +shadow damage scythe, a robe or a trinket that will summon a Voidwalker without the need of a Soul Shard.

Upon reaching Niby, he will explain he will grant you the ability to summon an Infernal, and have you talk to his pet Impy for the detailed instructions on what you need to go fetch before the ritual.

Impsy's first quest is called "Flawless Fel Essences"

Infernal Quest #1 - "What Niby Commands" - Seek out Niby the Almighty in Felwood

Infernal Quest #2 - "Flawless Fel Essences" - Impy will ask you to retrieve 3 'Flawless Fel Essences' - one from each kind of Demon in the world.

First, seek out the Jaedenar essence - you can go to Jaedenar's Shadow Hold and walk down to the bottom areas to find the Jaedenar Legionnaires - they have a chance to drop what you need. This is the closest essence you can get and hence should be the first to go.

Second, head on over to Azshara for the Azshara Essence and find the Legashi demon encampment. They're at the very northeast part of Azshara, and come in three varieties of demons - Legashi Rogue, Legashi Satyr, and Legashi Hellcaller. With some luck, you'll obtain your second flawless fel essence, and be almost ready to complete this part of the quest!

Third and last, head to the Blasted Lands, and fight the monsters near the Dark Portal for your Dark Portal Essence. These monsters have a felhound with them so you must exercise caution when fighting these solo - Banish is a good choice for the Felhound pet of theirs as you finish off the Legionnaire and hopefully collect your Flawless Fel Essence. Keep in mind that using other methods such as fear might attract more attention onto you, so try to dispatch these as quickly as possible!

Finally, head back to Felwood and turn in your 3 Flawless Fel Essences to Impy.

Infernal Quest #3 - Kroshius's Infernal Core - Impy will ask for one more thing of you; revive Kroshius the mighty infernal at the fel pits nearby, and defeat him to obtain his Infernal Core - this will be the final part of the quest and will allow you to summon your own Infernal should you succeed!

Head northeast to the fel pools, avoiding the Infernal Sentries which are elite and the fire elementals, and you will stumble upon Kroshius's remains. Using the Fel Fire you got from Impy will make him come alive, so make sure you're prepared to fight him beforehand.

There are many ways to tackle Kroshius, we will go over the most popular ones (solo, of course, if you bring friends, this fight will be over very quickly).

First, a popular way is to Enslave Kroshius (make sure to cast Curse of Shadows on him first), and send him against Elementals or even an Infernal Sentry. This will make him take a lot of damage, and when he's near death (say 10% or so), summon ANY of your pets, thus breaking your enslavement over Kroshius, from here it's just a matter of finishing him off.

Another popular way is to chainfear him. Yes, you're able to Fear him around and you're also able to use immolation on him to further add up the damage you're doing on him. Eventually, he will just die. Bandages and/or Dark Pact are a plus for this strategy should you find yourself casting Fear more than usual or simply running out of mana. Remember to use the Drain Life + Lifetap combo should you find yourself running low on mana to keep the battle going.

After you defeat Kroshius, take his Infernal Core and take it back to Niby. Congratulations, you will learn how to summon your very own Infernal! In addition, you will receive 7000 Experience, and a Shard of the Green Flame, which is an off-hand with 12 stamina and +16 damage to your Fire spells.

Doomguard Pet Quest

All warlocks are able to get a Doomguard at level 60 by using their spell "Curse of Doom" on monsters. If the damage inflicted by this kills the monster, there's a chance a Doomguard will come out ready to be enslaved by the Warlock for a short time.

However, there's also another way you may successfully summon a Doomguard. You can quest to get the spell Ritual of Doom. You will need a party of 5 people to click the doom portal - one of them will die (the warlock is not safe from this random kill), then a Doomguard will be spawned.

The quest to summon a Doomguard is given by Daio the Decrepit in the Tainted Scar, at the Blasted Lands. It is where the level 60+ elite demons are.

Quest #1 - The Prison's Bindings - This quest will have you kill demons in Dire Maul East for 15 Satyr Blood. These demons will come in groups of several sizes, but since you can enslave and banish it shouldn't be too tough for a seasoned warlock.

Quest #2 - The Prison's Casing - This quest will lead you to kill elite demons in Southern Winterspring (Darkwhisper Gorge) for 5 Tears of the Hederine. These demons are considerably tougher since they hit very hard and have a lot more health, however, you may fearkite them easily or banish them if they become too unmanageable.

As always, it is recommended you bring a group for easy questing here, but it is entirely possible to just DoT the monsters at the entrance, then use fear as much as you can until you see their health go down. These monsters tend to slow down with lower Health, so you should be able to handle them better with lifetap and drain life should you need more mana.

After you do these 2 quests, Daio will give you quest #3 - Suppression. This will ask you to capture a Doomguard Commander from the Tainted Scar nearby with an item he provides. This might prove difficult since there's a lot of monsters around to attack you along with these Commanders. You will need to channel this item for 20 seconds, so any interruptions aside from damage will make you reset this counter.

Common tips:

Bring a group. A tank and healer will do wonders for your final part of the quest.

Have Hunters or Rogues use their stuns or traps to distract them so you're able to channel the spell for 20 seconds.

Finally, head back to Daoi and you will have learned the spell Ritual of Doom! Make sure you're ready to be the one sacrificed since it's more often than not the (sad) case!

Enjoy your new Doomguard summon ability! You will also get a blue-quality offhand for your efforts.

Continue to Chapter 3:
Trainers and Important



Have comments or suggestions? Thought of something that has been missed? Found an error? We would love to hear from you! Please post in our Warlock Class guide forum, or email me at darkfact@tentonhammer.com

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016