Warlock Guide to Utgarde Keep

by on Apr 14, 2009

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style="background: transparent url('http://www.tentonhammer.com/image/view/66747') no-repeat scroll 100% 0%; -moz-background-clip: initial; -moz-background-origin: initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: initial; margin-left: 40px; margin-right: 45px;">

style="color: rgb(29, 66, 136); font-size: 14pt; font-weight: bold;"> style="color: rgb(29, 66, 136); font-size: 14pt; font-weight: bold;">Overview

Heroic Utgarde Keep is a good starting heroic instance and is not that
difficult. It will be more forgiving than most instances and can be
done with minimal gear.

style="color: rgb(29, 66, 136); font-size: 14pt; font-weight: bold;">Preparation

Standard instance preparation should be done. There is nothing really
special about any of the encounters. I find it beneficial to use my
standard instance checklist:

Refresh Soul Shards Health Pots Mana Pots Buff Food Elixers/Flasks Reagents

As a pretty standard instance you will be using your fel armor for the
damage and there isn’t any time you should need the healing
benefit of demon armor. Pet choices will vary based on spec and the
overall strategy of your group. Be ready to use your Succubus if crowd
control will be used. If you have to use crowd control, make sure you
know which mob you are responsible for. I like to set that mob as my
focus by using the “/focus” command. This will
allow you to
monitor the mob should the status change or need to re-seduce if

style="color: rgb(29, 66, 136); font-size: 14pt; font-weight: bold;">Available

For Heroic Mode there is a daily sometimes available “Proof
Demise: Ingvar the Plunderer". This would be given out in Dalaran by
Archmage Lan’dalock. To complete the quest you must defeat
the Plunderer and retrieve his “Axe of the
Plunderer” so be
sure to loot when completed.

style="color: rgb(29, 66, 136); font-size: 14pt; font-weight: bold;">Mobs

The trash mobs in this instance are a combination of humanoid and
beasts. The humanoids can be crowd controlled with seduce if needed. If
the tank is AoE tanking, you are able to use AoE damage spells for most
of the pulls once the tank has aggro. Seed of Corruption and Rain of
Fire will both work well when not single target attacking. Just be sure
to have soul shatter ready if you do pull hate. Just be careful when in
the Dragonflayer pens (just past the Furnace of Hate) with AoE spells,
there are some cluttered mobs that your group may skip and you
don’t want to risk pulling them.

style="color: rgb(29, 66, 136); font-size: 14pt; font-weight: bold;">Bosses

style="font-weight: bold;">Prince Keleseth

Not much changes from regular mode. The abilities remain the same but
the damage is slightly increased. The three main abilities are:

1.    Shadow Bolt

You can use shadow
ward if necessary to reduce the
damage from this if you are targeted.

2.    Frost tomb

You can escape
this with PvP trinket and/or Every
Man for himself. Otherwise you want to free any player caught by doing
damage to the tomb.

3.    Summon Skeletons

Relatively low
health mobs can be easily
AoEd,  just let tank get aggro. They will rise repeatedly.

style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; color: rgb(29, 66, 136);">Loot
to watch for:

Wand of the San’Layn

the Constructor


Although this is relative easy, there is a
chance that a healer will go down during this fight, to be on the safe
side, be sure to have a soul stone up and have a soulwell out before
the pull. I like to use a doomguard for this fight. It adds tons of DPS
and keeps the adds busy.

style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; color: rgb(29, 66, 136);">Loot
to watch for:

Just the emblem, nothing of value for us warlocks.

Ingvar the Plunderer

src="http://www.tentonhammer.com/image/view/66371">This fun
fight doesn’t have too much warlocks have to watch
A demonic circle hidden behind a pillar wouldn’t hurt but
likely wouldn’t be needed. Using the Line of Site by
to your demonic circle is a nice little trick and fun, but not 100%
necessary. Watch for Dreadful Roar during phase 2 and don’t
to avoid the silence effect and stay at range at all time to avoid the
smash and cleave. It’s a good idea to use the “Show
cast bar” option to see when this is being cast. If you are
a melee pet be sure to call it back for the smashes or
hurt your party from the effect.

Between the phases it is possible to put a soulwell up if anyone needs
health stones, but you cannot eat or drink. It doesn’t hurt
throw up your personal shadow ward on phase 2 as well. If soulstone
cooldown is up, throw one on the healer.

style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; color: rgb(29, 66, 136);">Loot
to watch for:

Annhylde’s Ring- A great casters ring with +50 stamina and 33
Intellect accompanied by +49 Haste and +59 Spell power.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016