Where to Adventure Guide - Levels 74 - 77

by on Nov 27, 2008

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Quick Reference: Zone Level Chart | Instance Level Chart
Regular Zones: Levels 1 to 10 | Levels 11 to 20 | Levels 21 to 30 | Levels 31 to 40 | Levels 41 to 50 | Levels 51 to 60
Burning Crusade Zones: Level 60 to 63 | Level 64 to 67 | Level 68 to 70
Wrath of the Lich King Zones: Level 70 to 73 | Level 74 to 77 | Level 78 to 80

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Grizzly Hills is located in the south east of Northrend just north of the Howling Fjord. The zone is a rugged woodland much like you would expect to find in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains. There are vast areas of rolling hills covered with pine tree forests. The area has many very scenic locations, including several that look like post card images from the west coast of North America.

A River
where you can find
many grizzly bears
that wander the zone

The zone is home to the Grizzlemaw Furbolgs who make their home throughout the zone, but mainly in their capital of Grizzlemaw found right in the centre of the zone. Also found in the zone is a large population of Venture Co operators attempting to deforest the land. The scourge, worgen and various troll groups have also settled in the area, making it an extremely busy zone.

The quests in the zone vary from area to area. At one point you will find yourself fighting of the Venture Co and their attempts to strip the area clear of trees, then later attempt to solve the mysteries of the troll population. There are many small settlements or raiding parties of trolls that have ventured into the area from Zul'Drak to the north. There are even several larger troll shrines that have been long established in the zone.

The zone also contains many PvP quests. There are two areas where players can go to complete PvP quests and face off against the other faction. To the south west there is a mining camp along the river, and another to the centre of the zone and north.

The zone is a very popular one for the achievement you earn if you complete all of the quests in it. The achievement is called "Fo'Shizzle My Grizzle", and is based off of the saying made popular by Snoop Dogg, "Fo'shizzle my nizzle".

Grizzly Hills is found nestled between Dragonblight to the west, the Howling Fjord to the south, and Zul'Drak to the north.

Drak'Tharon Keep can be found straddling the border of Grizzly Hills and Zul'Drak to the north. This is the keep once used by Arthas himself before he became the Lich King.

MOB Levels
# of Players
Drak'Tharon Keep

You can find guides for these (and other) instances on our Wrath of the Lich King Instance Guide page.

For miners you are able to find the Cobalt Ore in the zone. Herbalists can find Tiger Lily throughout the zone.

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Zul'Drak is a whole zone that is made up of troll temples. Almost the entire zone is covered with troll structures, roads, monuments, or temples. The entire zone is in partial ruin since the scourge have invaded and many of the temples lay in ruin. The zone is dense with creatures and quests and makes a great place to level from 74-77.

can be found in the
Drak'Tharon Keep in
this zone

This is the home of the Drakkari trolls and they are eager to remind everyone that dares venture into the area of that fact. The zone is literally crawling with troll hunting parties. When players are not running into trolls, they are running into the scourge, who also seem to be everywhere.

The Argent Dawn also has a faction located in the zone almost right in the centre at the Argent Stand. From here they are fighting their battle against the Scourge.

There are several great quest chains in the zone, two of which stand to be mentioned. The first has you infiltrate the Scourge in disguise to gain their trust. To do this you are granted a zombie costume and get to run around complete missions for the Scourge until you gain enough information and launch your attack, at which point you get to see a scripted scene with Arthas. Another great quest chain is the one in which you help the troll animal gods and work your way from shrine to shrine assisting them. This chain eventually leads you to the troll capital city of Gun'Drak and an instance of the same name.

In addition to Drak'Tharon Keep found straddling the border of Zul'Drak and Grizzly Hills to the south, Zul'Drak houses another instance. That instance is called Gun'Drak and is found far to the north east of the zone and meant for players just as they are leaving the zone at higher levels.

MOB Levels
# of Players
Drak'Tharon Keep

You can find guides for these (and other) instances on our Wrath of the Lich King Instance Guide page.

For Miners you are able to find the Cobalt Ore in the zone as well as the odd Saronite Ore. Herbalist's can find Talandra's Rose and Frozen Herbs throughout the zone.

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Sholazar Basin is Northrend's answer to Stranglethorne Vale and Un'goro Crater all wrapped up in one zone. The zone is a lush jungle area found in a deep almost crater like basin. The whole zone is made up of jungle, river, swamp, and rock formations. Only near the northern edge of the zone are you reminded that you are on the frozen continent of Northrend and see snow.

The zone is meant for players level 75 through 78 and has many quests packed into its small area. While you can sneak into the area from the south, when you reach level 75 an NPC in Dalaran will offer to fly you to the zone and Nesingwary's base camp. Once there you embark on a series of quests which will unlock the flight point there.

In the zone there are two warring factions. The wolf like Frenzyheart and the murloc like Oracles. While completing quests in the zone you will work through getting a relationship with each, then deserting for the other side. Once you are done the quest chains you can decide which group you would like to side with on a more permanent basis.

Due to the density of quests and creatures, this is a favourite zone for many players, so expect it to be quite busy, and you may want to avoid it on a PvP server.

There are no instances in Sholazar Basin.

For Miners you are able to find and collect Saronite and Titanium ore in this zone. Herbalists can find Tiger Lily and Adder's Tongue throughout the zone in large amounts.

Where to Adventure Guide

Quick Reference: Zone Level Chart | Instance Level Chart
Regular Zones: Levels 1 to 10 | Levels 11 to 20 | Levels 21 to 30 | Levels 31 to 40 | Levels 41 to 50 | Levels 51 to 60

Burning Crusade Zones: Level 60 to 63 | Level 64 to 67 | Level 68 to 70
Wrath of the Lich King Zones: Level 70 to 73 | Level 74 to 77 | Level 78 to 80

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016