Witches Gods & More

by on May 09, 2007

Our own Ethec has posted an Interview with Josh Drescher, Senior Designer for Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning. With various questions we hope you'll all give it a good look over and enjoy!

Our own Ethec has posted an Interview with Josh Drescher, Senior Designer for Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning. With various questions we hope you'll all give it a good look over and enjoy! Here's a peek:

TTH: Let's start with Empire. One of the classes we really wanted to see more of was the witch hunter. Other than Paul Barnett going a little crazy about the pointy hats, could you talk a little bit about their role and what kind of tools they'll have at hand?

Josh Drescher: The witch hunter is actually the next class on the menu for really detailed treatment in an upcoming newsletter. I can't get into absolute, total detail... I can give you a slightly more involved explanation of his general strategic role.

You can read the entire article by Clicking Here.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016