World of Warcraft Patch 6.2.3 Valor Tips

by on Nov 17, 2015

With Valor upgrades returning tomorrow, many are wondering what is the best path to achieve the most upgrades with least amount of time for their goals. I'm going to outline several possible strategies for valor based on level of time and commitment desir

With Valor upgrades returning tomorrow, many are wondering what is the best path to achieve the most upgrades with least amount of time for their goals. I'm going to outline several possible strategies for valor based on level of time and commitment desired to help you better decide your path.

All In 2 weeks

The all in approach may be desired by raiders still pushing to progress and needing to min max no matter what the cost. This approach involves earning all 4875 possible valor points which means doing following. This approach favors being done in 2 weeks but with 7 ilvls on front end of it and last 3 in second final week. This also allows the most buffer for extra off piece upgrades for those who want to not only upgrade everything they are wearing in 2 weeks but have extra left over to upgrade additional items as well.

All 8 dungeons on mythic (2400VP) Complete weekly event for 500VP Complete 7 heroic dungeons for 700VP (only 1 a day count) Complete ALL LFRs for 1275VP


Balanced 2 weeks

This approach may be desired for raiders who want to still complete in 2 weeks but not want to stress about doing EVERYTHING. This approach involves doing 3750VP a week and dropping the older and less rewarding LFR wings to save a lot of time from farm and achieving 5 ilvl boost for two weeks straight. You also get to drop 3 heroic dungeons too. Or do all the heroic dungeons and possibly drop weekly event if it's not a favorable one time wise (provided you make it up 2nd week if you fall short of 3750). You can make other adjustments too but ultimately you balance it out to achieve about 3750VP a week for two weeks to upgrade all slots. If you do have extra trinkets/weapons that need doing though you may need to keep 7 heroic dungeons for that buffer for both weeks for about 4150 a week.

All 8 dungeons on mythic (2400VP) Complete weekly event for 500VP Complete 4 heroic dungeons for 400VP (only 1 a day count) Complete Hellfire LFRs for 525VP


No Rush but still efficient

This pretty much focuses entirely on doing the activities that reward the most valor for least amount of work to simply upgrade things whenever you upgrade them.

All 8 Mythic Dungeons or 7 heroic dungeons (Do the dungeons that best fit your comfortable difficulty level. Mythic optimal of course.) Weekly event if it's a quick one. Archimonde LFR wing since it's a single boss wing that's still worth 150 VP.



You really just want to earn valor whenever and have no care in world when you upgrade everything. These are just the activities that let you feel like you earned something for the week with the minimum time invested.

Weekly event for 500VP Archimonde for 150VP Mythic or Heroic dungeons as you see fit with no emphasis on doing them all. Just do what you can when you can.

Last Updated: Mar 21, 2016