WoW: Enchanting Guide Update

by on Aug 29, 2007

<strong>Big money baby, BIG money... is what you'll spend/lose to get your enchanting way high. Maybe we can help you fix that.</strong> Our World of Warcraft Enchanting Guide has gotten a quick update with a new section on some tips on selling your en

Big money baby, BIG money... is what you'll spend/lose to get your enchanting way high. Maybe we can help you fix that.

Our World of Warcraft Enchanting Guide has gotten a quick update with a new section on some tips on selling your enchants. Look forward to more updates to this guide and other profession guides soon!

"Decide on your prices beforehand. Come up with how much each enchant will cost your customer. Decide on the value of your reagents if using your own and the rarity of the actual recipe. If they supply their own think up the cost of your time to do it – but don't overcharge."

Find the guide at Ten ton Hammer's WoW site.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016