WoW: Guide to Pre-Cataclysm Events in Azeroth

by on Nov 02, 2010

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Much like the events leading up to the release of Wrath of the Lich
King, Blizzard is adding several new and exciting in-game events in
order to amp up the masses for the release of World of
biggest expansion yet; Cataclysm. Instead of
making this one huge event that all players may not be able to
experience fully, Blizzard will instead be releasing these events in
four phases throughout the next several weeks leading up to the December 7th launch date for the expansion.

The various phases and the details behind them can be found below:

style="font-style: italic;">(Please note that some of
these phases are based on PTR speculations

Phase One

November 1 2010 - End: Unknown


The world before Cataclysm is an unstable place, and as a testament to
that, rifts containing elementals of all types (earth, fire, air, and
water) are spawning throughout Azeroth. These unstable rifts spawn at
select locations every hour on the hour and will create elementals that
reflect the level of the zone it spawned in. But what exactly are these
elementals good for besides wiping out unsuspecting players?

Players who are brave enough to take on the angry elementals will find
that each elemental they kill will reduce the nearby rift’s
health by 1. Defeat enough elementals and the rift will eventually
close. If a rift of each element (earth, fire, air, and water) is
defeated the player will gain a brand new achievement entitled:
‘Tripping the Rifts”. To get this achievement you
must kill rifts containing elementals that match you current level or

Each zone will only produce certain types of elementals the locations
of which can be found below:

style="text-align: left; width: 637px; height: 181px;"
border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2">
style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;">Air style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;">Earth style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;">Fire style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;">Water Sholazar
Basin Grizzly
Hills Westfall Thousand
Needles Netherstorm Howling
Fjord Zul'drak Silverpine
Forest Borean
Tundra Storm
Peaks Winterspring Ghostlands Eastern
Plaguelands Nagrand Hellfire
Peninsula Straglethorn
Vale Terokkar
Forest Blade's
Edge Mountains The
Barrens Wetlands Arathi
Highlands Silithus Searing
Gorge Un'Goro
Crater Duskwood Loch
Modan Blasted
Lands Icecrown Darkshore Desolace Hinterlands Zangarmarsh Hillsbrad
Foothills Redride
Mountains Dustwallow
Marsh Shadowmoon
Valley Western
Plaguelands Swamp
of Sorrows Burning

Once a rift has been defeated it will grant the player a one hour buff
based on the type of rift defeated.

Air - Each melee attack,
ranged attack, harmful spell or healing spell has a chance to increase
your haste rating by 50 for 10 seconds. Earth - Each melee attack,
ranged attack, harmful spell or healing spell has a chance to heal you
for 2% of your maximum health Fire
- Each melee attack,
ranged attack, harmful spell or healing spell has a chance of engulfing
the target in flames, dealing damage over 15 seconds. Stacks 5 times. Water - Each melee attack,
ranged attack, harmful spell or healing spell has a chance to increase
your Energy, Rage, Mana, or Runic Power gain by 15%.

style="font-weight: bold;">Twilight’s

The second part of the initial phase centers around some mysterious new
additions to both Orgrimmar and Stormwind. Spreading the word in both
cities about the apparent end of the world, these cultists have managed
to raise a few eyebrows and more than a little suspicion. To unravel
the mystery behind these new arrivals a brand new quest chain is
available in both cities.

For more information on both Horde and Alliance quest lines please see
our href=""
target="_blank">Twilight’s Cult Quest Line
Walkthrough. Please note
because it is a walkthrough it does contain many spoilers.

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Phase Two

Unknown - End: Unknown

you have helped to thwart the Twilight’s Hammer’s
first attack on the cities of Orgrimmar and Stormwind. However, despite
this victory both leaders of the Horde and Alliance realize that the
battle is far from over. With their enemies revealed, both King Varian
and Garrosh have made the bold decision to take the fight to the enemy
instead of simply waiting for the next attack on their beloved cities
to commence.

Obviously Garrosh and Varian have no intention of getting their hands
dirty with such a menial task, so to assist them in disrupting the
cultists further a new set of quests will be unlocked that will ask you
to actually weed out cultists from the masses, capture them, and then
learn all that you can so that eventually the threat can be eliminated
entirely. A guide to these quests will be posted as they become
available on the PTR.

Information regarding Phase Three and Four of the pre-Cataclysm events
will be posted as information becomes available. Check back often for

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016