WoW Guide: Warlock Reputation Rewards

by on Jul 06, 2009

This guide will offer you the information to put a gear set together with reputation rewards as a Warlock. Once you get this gear together, along with some heroic and emblem gear you will be ready to start raiding.

This guide will offer you the information to put a gear set together
with reputation rewards as a Warlock.  Once you get this gear
together, along with some heroic and emblem gear you will be ready to
start raiding.  Keep in mind that even though gear matters a
lot, to find groups for raiding you should really put the time into
getting some enchants and leveling your professions to gain a sense of
respect from the players looking you up on the armory.

style="font-weight: bold;">Reputations earned by
wearing the respected faction’s tabard during heroic level 5
man dungeons-

style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;">Alliance

This is the default Alliance reputation in Wrath of the Lich
King.  You earn reputation with this faction by not wearing a
tabard during heroic level 5 man dungeons.


style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; color: rgb(25, 89, 255);">Orb
of the Eastern Kingdoms (Revered)-  Off-Hand

This item is identical to its Horde counterpart. 
It’s a decent choice as an off-hand until you get the emblem
one.  This is the only off-hand from rep rewards.

style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; color: rgb(25, 89, 255);">Gnomish
Magicians Quill (Revered)-  Wand

This Item is also identical to its Horde counterpart.  This is
more of a healing wand but if you don’t have anything better
it could be a reasonable choice.

style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">Horde

This is the default horde reputation in Wrath of the Lich
King.  You earn reputation with this faction by not wearing a
tabard during heroic level 5 man dungeons.

style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; color: rgb(25, 89, 255);">Darkspear
Orb (Revered)- Off-Hand

This item is identical to its Alliance counterpart. 
It’s a decent choice as an off-hand until you get the emblem
one.  This is the only off-hand from rep rewards.

style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; color: rgb(25, 89, 255);">Charged
Wand of the Cleft (Revered)-  Wand

This Item is also identical to its Alliance counterpart.  This
is more of a healing wand but if you don’t have anything
better it could be a reasonable choice.

style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;">Argent

This is a faction stemming off from the Argent Dawn.  The main
base is located on the border of Storm Peaks and Icecrown. 
You can find the quartermaster there, in Argent Vanguard.

style="color: rgb(152, 46, 201); font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;">Signet
of Hopeful Light (Exalted)-  Ring

This is a top notch choice.  The only downside here is that it
takes time reach exalted, and in that time you will probably have
gathered more rings than you can find.

style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;">Kirin

The Kirin Tor is a collection of the most powerful mages in the
world.  The quartermaster is located in the Violet Citadel in


style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; color: rgb(25, 89, 255);">Shroud
of Dedicated Research (Honored)-  Back

This is a great cloak for the time invested.  You can easily
hit honored and grab this cloak as a quick filler.

style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; color: rgb(25, 89, 255);">Flameheart
Spell Scalpel (Revered)-  Main-Hand

This is first priority.  Hit rating is the biggest thing when
you start putting your gear sets together.  Get this as quick
as you can so your hit rating starts off strong.

style="color: rgb(152, 46, 201); font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;">Robes
of the Crackling Flame (Exalted)-  Chest

This is mainly a healing robe.  I wouldn’t recommend
going out of your way to receive this.

style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;">Knights
of the Ebon Blade-

This faction originates from a renegade Death Knights.  The
Knights of the Ebon Blade quartermaster is located in the Shadow Vault
in northern Icecrown.


style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; color: rgb(25, 89, 255);">Dark
Soldier Cape (Honored)-  Back

Once again, this is a great choice because of the hit rating. 
Get your hit rating as high as you can as fast as you can.

style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; color: rgb(25, 89, 255);">Sterile
Flesh-Handling Gloves (Revered)-  Hands

These are great gloves for any spec.  They’re just
basic gloves with all the basic stats.

style="font-style: italic; font-weight: bold; color: rgb(152, 46, 201);">Belt
of Dark Mending (Exalted)- Belt

This is a great belt.  Unfortunately the belt from the emblems
and the belt from Wyrmrest Accord are arguably better.

style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;">The
Wyrmrest Accord-

Is a combination of different dragonflights against the blue
dragonflight.  You can find the quartermaster in Wyrmrest
Temple located in the center of Dragonblight.


style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; color: rgb(25, 89, 255);">Sash
of the Wizened Wyrm (Honored)-  Belt

40 hit on a blue belt is unbelievable.  You may actually
already be honored just from doing quests in Coldarra and
Dragonblight.  Check your reputations tab and see if you can
go pick up this belt ASAP. style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; color: rgb(25, 89, 255);">

Ancestral Sinew Wristguards (Revered)-  Wrists

These are more of healing bracers but still a viable option if you
can’t seem to get your hands on anything better. 
Also, the blue socket isn’t the best for DPS, it might be
worth it to skip the socket bonus and use a 19 spell power gem.

style="color: rgb(152, 46, 201); font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;">Sandals
of Crimson Fury (Exalted)-  Feet

These may come across as healing boots, but in reality they are top
notch DPS boots too.  The socket might not be the right color
but the bonus is worth skipping.

style="font-weight: bold;">Reputations earned by
completing daily quests-

style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;">Frenzyheart

Just like the Oracles you can find the Frenzyheart Tribe in Sholazar
Basin.  Key here is you need to choose one or the other. As
you gain reputation with one faction you lose with the other. 
In addition you can only use the trinket if you are still exalted with
that faction.  I advise you to choose which trinket you would
rather have and go for.  Keep in mind if you switch back it
will take 5 times longer.

style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; color: rgb(25, 89, 255);">

Muddied Crimson Gloves (Revered)-  Hands

These are more healing gloves than DPS gloves.  If you are
going for the trinket you could pick these up along the way but
don’t count on keeping them.

style="color: rgb(152, 46, 201); font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;">Frenzyheart
Insignia of Fury (Exalted)-  Trinket

This is a good choice because trinkets are so hard to find. 
Problem here is the time… it’s a quest grind to

style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;">The

The same applies here as the above Frenzyheart Tribe explanation.

style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; color: rgb(25, 89, 255);">Shinygem
Rod (Revered)-  Wand

This is an awesome wand for PvP and PvE.  Has lots of stamina
and crit which screams PvP.

style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; color: rgb(25, 89, 255);">Fishy
Cinch (Revered)-  Belt

Once again, this is a better healing belt but it could be used for DPS
if you don’t have better for the time being.

style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; color: rgb(152, 46, 201);">Oracle
Talisman of Ablution (Exalted)-  Trinket

Here we have an awesome trinket.  Crit is always good plus a
tad of mana regeneration in the proc.

style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;">Sons
of Hodir-

You can find the Sons of Hodir in Dun Niffelem, which is located in
eastern Storm Peaks.  Sons of Hodir offer the best shoulder
enchants in the game.


style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; color: rgb(25, 89, 255);">Lesser
Inscription of the Storm (Honored)- Enchant

This is a must have.  Get to this as fast as possible.

style="color: rgb(152, 46, 201); font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;">Greater
Inscription of the Storm (Exalted)- Enchant

This is the best shoulder enchant you can get in the game. 
Make sure you pick up the lesser version of this enchant while you
continue to do daily quests for Sons of Hodir on your way to exalted.

style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;">The

The Kalu’ak base city is located in southern
Dragonblight.  The top reward the Kalu’ak offer is a
fishing pole.  Since there isn’t any gear you need
higher than honored this is some pretty gear to earn.


style="color: rgb(25, 89, 255); font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;">Turtle-Minders
Robe (Honored)-  Chest      

This is a great robe.  The hit
rating on a piece of gear you can get so quickly and easily is perfect
for the situation your in.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016