WoW Hunter Guide : Pet Types - Page 3

by on Mar 30, 2008

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This list provides all the basic details about each animal type that can be used as a hunter's pet. Each animal type is described briefly, then lists the skills they have access to, their stats (compared to the normal levels), the food they will eat, and what type of pet they are considered (DPS, Tank, or All Purpose).

The animal types that are available as pets are as follows:

Bats Hyenas Sporebats Bears Nether Rays Tallstriders Boars Owls Turtles Carrion Birds Raptors Warp Stalkers Cats Ravagers Wind Serpents Crabs Scorpids Wolves Crocolisks Serpents   Dragonhawks Spiders  

Sporebats are a completely non-remarkable pet, other than their appearance. Many hunters like the long sleek lines of a floating sporebat, however as with any fly pet they tend to get in the way. Sporebats are very limited though, as they can only learn the basic skills and have normal stats across the board.

Skills: Cower, Growl
Stats: Normal Damage, Normal Armor, Normal Health
Food: Cheese, Bread, Fungus, Fruit
Type: All Around


Tallstriders are tall ground based birds that look much like an ostrich or emu. They are fairly good all around pets as they have good health pools and can dash to catch prey. Some hunters select them simply due to the fact that many players do not pick them, and they want something different.

Skills: Bite, Cower, Dash, Growl
Stats: Normal Damage, Normal Armor, +5 Health
Food: Cheese, Fruit, Fungus
Type: All Around


Turtles are a very solid choose as a pet for tanking. They have a large amount of armor, normal health and a special ability to help them out. In addition they are relatively low to the ground and stay out of the way most of the time. Turtles are probably the second most common tanking pet besides bears and should really be looked at while you are leveling up and need a tank based pet.

Skills: Bite, Cower, Growl, Shell Shield
Stats: -10% Damage, +13% Armor, Normal Health
Food: Fish, Fruit, Fungus
Type: Tank

Warp Stalkers

Warp Stalkers are a lizard pet that while still considered all purpose, is sometimes considered DPS due to their warp ability and being able to learn claw and bite. They can only be found in the outlands once you reach at least level 63, so don't go hunting for them before then. As a lizard they are very low to the ground which many hunters like so they stay out of the way of line of sight.

Skills: Bite, Claw, Cower, Growl, Warp
Stats: -6% Damage, +5% Armor, Normal Health
Food: Fish, Fruit
Type: All Purpose

Wind Serpents

Wind Serpents have become very popular hunter pets, mainly for beast mastery hunters, due to their ability lightning breath. The ability causes big damage, and uses lots of energy. With a beast master hunter generating a lot of energy for their pet, this is a perfect match. The only issue is the same as any other flying pet, they get in the way a lot.

Skills: Bite,
Cower, Dive, Growl, Lightning Breath
Stats: +7% Damage, Normal Armor, Normal Health
Food: Bread, Cheese, Fish
Type: DPS


Wolves are a great all around pet choice. They do respectable damage, have dash and a group buff in the form of furious howl. They are also very easy to feed since they eat meat. The furious howl ability makes them very popular for raid hunters since when put with a melee group the extra damage can add up over long fights.

Skills: Bite,
Cower, Dash, Growl, Furious Howl
Stats: Normal Damage, +5% Armor, Normal Health
Food: Meat
Type: All Purpose

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Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016