WoW Mage Guide: Basics of Playing a Mage

by on Jul 24, 2011

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Mages are just one of many
excellent class choices in World of Warcraft. As you may have picked up
from the main page, Mages are a purely DPS class. However, this class
comes equipped with more than a few utility spells that will keep the
Mage an interesting class to play for the extent of your stay in
Azeroth (and beyond). You can be sure that a well played Mage will be
welcome in almost any group.

In this section of our Mage
Guide you will find all the basic information a brand new Mage needs to
understand the class. This includes; why you should play the Mage,
profession information, important statistics, and even which race is
best for the Mage. Enjoy!

Getting Started: The Mage

style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;">Why
should you play a Mage?

With all the other amazing
classes one can choose from in World of Warcraft, you may find yourself
wondering if the Mage is the right class for you. Below you will find a
list of several of the most positive aspects of the class, if they
appeal to you…then the Mage just might be for you! Remember,
it never hurts to try out any class. You should be able to tell by
level 10-20 if it is the one for you.

Mages are able to polymorph
enemies to take them out of the battle. Use mana to call upon the
powers of fire, frost, and arcane to deal ranged damage to enemies. Are powerful single target
casters who can also dish out massive AoE damage. Mages are able to open
portals and teleport to transfer themselves or their allies to various
locations. Able to conjure up tasty
food and water to restore health and mana. Can cast a powerful
Intellect buff that benefit’s the Mage and his or her allies.

Mage Race Selection

style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;">What
is the best race for the Mage?

One of the first major
decisions you will make once you have chosen to play a Mage is what
race you will be. To start (and to narrow it down a bit) you should
first decide which faction you wish to be a part of; Horde or Alliance.
Your choice of faction will dictate which zones you spend the most time
in, where you major cities are located, who your comrades will be, and
who you will consider your enemies to be.

Remember, that the ultimate
decision of what race you choose should be based on your personal
feelings rather than stats, this will ensure that you love the race you
are playing. If you choose your race in this manner you will likely
never regret the choice. If your still looking for a more technical way
choose your race, you may wish to check out the various racial
abilities attributed to each. Check out the listing provided below to
see the racial abilities of each race:

style="width: 600px; text-align: left; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"
border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2">
style="background-color: rgb(204, 0, 0);" colspan="2"
rowspan="1"> style="font-weight: bold; color: rgb(253, 253, 253);">Horde style="text-align: center; font-style: italic;"> href=""
target="_blank">Blood Elf Blood
Elves racials provide them with an increased resistance to Arcane
effects, increased
Enchanting skill, and Arcane Torrent; a silencing
ability. style="text-align: center; font-style: italic;"> href=""
target="_blank">Forsaken Forsaken
racials provide the race with an increase in Shadow resistance by 1,
the ability to breathe underwater for longer than normal, the ability
to gain back health and mana through cannibalization, and Will of the
Forsaken; an ability that removes any movement impairing effects from
the player. style="text-align: center; font-style: italic;"> href=""
target="_blank">Goblin Goblin
racials provide them with the best possible gold discount at vendors,
regardless of faction, an increase in Alchemy skill, a 1% increase in
attack and casting speed, and the ability to use their belt to launch
rockets at enemies and jump long distances from time to time. style="text-align: center; font-style: italic;"> href=""
target="_blank">Orc Orc
racials provide an additional 3 points in expertise with Fist Weapons,
Axes, and Two-Handed Axes, increased damage dealt by pets by 3%, a
reduction in the duration of stun effects by 15%, and Blood Fury; an
ability that increases spell power for 15 seconds. style="text-align: center; font-style: italic;"> href=""
target="_blank">Troll Troll
racials provide this race with 5%  increased damage verses
beasts, 20% increased attack and casting speed, a 1% increased chance
to hit with bows, a 10% health regeneration rate, an 1% chance to
critically hit with throwing weapons, and a 15% reduction to the
duration of all movement impairing effects. style="width: 600px; text-align: left; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"
border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2">
style="background-color: rgb(51, 51, 255);" colspan="2"
rowspan="1"> style="font-weight: bold; color: rgb(253, 243, 247);">Alliance style="text-align: center; font-style: italic;"> href=""
target="_blank">Draenei Draenei
racials provide an increase in Jewelcrafting skill by 10 points, a 1%
increased chance to hit with all spells and attacks, increased
resistance to Shadow effects by 1, and Gift of the Naaaru; an ability
that heals the player’s target. style="text-align: center; font-style: italic;"> href=""
target="_blank">Dwarf Dwarven
racials provide a 1% increase to critically hit with Guns, expertise
with Maces and Two-Handed Maces increased by 3, an increased resistance
to Frost effects, the ability to find additional fragments when looting
arcaelogical finds and the ability to survey faster than other
archaeologists, and Stoneform; an ability that removes all poison,
disease, and bleed effects, and increases the player’s armor
by 10% for 8 seconds. style="text-align: center; font-style: italic;"> href=""
target="_blank">Gnome Gnome
racials provide an increase in resistance to Arcane effects by 1, a 15
point increase in Engineering, a 5% increase in the player’s
mana pool, a 3 point increase in expertise with Daggers and One-Handed
Swords, and Escape Artist; an ability that allows the player to escape
the effects of any immobilization or movement speed reduction effect. href=""
target="_blank">Human Humans
have an increase in Spirit by 3%, a 10% increase in reputation
gain, an additional 3 points of expertise in Maces, Two-Handed Maces,
Swords, and Two-Handed Swords, and Every Man for Himself, an ability
that removes all movement impairing effects which cause loss of control
of your character. style="text-align: center; font-style: italic;"> href=""
target="_blank">Night Elf Night
Elf racials provide a 75% increased movement speed while dead, a 1
point resistance increase to Nature effects, reduces the chance that
melee or ranged attackers will hit you by 2%, and allows the player to
meld with the shadows, reducing the chance for enemies to detect your
presence. style="text-align: center; font-style: italic;"> href=""
target="_blank">Worgen Worgen
racials provide a 15 point increase in Skinning
and allows the player
to skin faster, increases critical strike chance by 1%, allows the
player to shift between Worgen and Human form, a 13 point increased
resistance to harmful Nature and Shadow effects, the ability to drop to
all fours to run more quickly, and Darkflight, an ability that allows
the Worgen to transform into their true form, increasing movement speed
by 70% for 10 seconds.

Mage Professions

style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;">What
is the best profession for the Mage?

Choosing a profession can seem
like a difficult task, but let me assure you that it is easier than you
might think. Thanks to changes made by Blizzard, currently every
crafting profession in game will offer a basic bonus to a
player’s stats. These bonuses are designed so that none are
better than the other. This means that players for possibly the first
time in WoW history are able to pick a profession based solely on their
own personal preferences. So feel free to pick the profession that
appeals the most to you and go from there!

Mage Specializations

style="font-style: italic; font-weight: bold;">What
are the different specs for the Mage?

style="font-style: italic;">Arcane
- The Arcane tree is full of talents that, as you may have guessed,
increase the power, or otherwise benefit the Mage’s Arcane
spells, but, unlike other trees the Arcane tree manages to buff the two
other schools of magic as well. This tree is also heavy on utility
talents, such as mana restoration and PvP talents. When played with the
proper skill and in part gear, can dish out insane amounts of both
single target and AoE damage.

style="font-style: italic;">Fire
- The Fire tree tends to be harder-hitting and provides much burst
damage. The talents found in this tree will not only boost the
player’s Fire based spells, but also many spells that will
help keep the Fire Mage alive in a tough spot. This tree is an
excellent choice for the player who likes to kill quickly
and ask
questions later.

style="font-style: italic;">Frost -
Talents found in the Frost tree boost the Mage’s power with
Frost spells. However, this tree exchanges some of the powerful DPS
seen in the other trees to gain powerful snares to hinder an enemies
progress. The Frost tree is ideal for the player looking for
survivability above all.

Mage Equipment and Statistics

style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;">How
should I choose equipment and stats for the Warlock?

Choosing gear for your Mage can
be made simple by knowing which basics stats are best for you. Once you
know which stats are best for your spec you can easily discern which
pieces of gear you should pick up and which should be passed by.
Because the Mage is a pure damage dealer, each spec will require the
same basics stats. However, in the case of the Mage, stat values can
vary depending on gear and situation, so while each of the values
listed below are excellent choices, which stat is better than the other
will be different for every Mage.

style="width: 300px; text-align: left; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"
border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2">
style="text-align: center; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 102);">Arcane style="text-align: center; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 102);">Fire style="text-align: center; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 102);">Frost Intellect

Hit (to cap)

Spell Power


Mastery Intellect

Hit (to cap)

Spell Power


Mastery Intellect

Hit (to cap)

Spell Power



Understanding Spell Casting
and Mana

Spells have a mana cost and a
cast time. Cast time is affected by your spell haste (a stat that comes
into play later in the game) and mana cost is often a percentage based
thing (so even with more mana, it’ll still cost the same).
You use a spell like any other skill. For example with Fireball
you’d target the enemy (click on them) then use the
“Fireball” skill from your action bar or spellbook.
You’ll begin casting the spell and when finished the spell
will complete and you’ll hurl a ball of fire at your enemy.

Spells can be interrupted if
someone uses an interrupt on you (such as a stun or a Rogue’s
kick). When you’re hit with an attack (other than DoTs or
passive damage) then you’ll gain something called
“pushback”. This will push the casting bar back by
.5 seconds the first hit and .5 seconds the second hit. All hits after
that will not cause pushback. Channeled spells will lose 25% of their
casting duration each hit for the first two hits and nothing after that.

Some spells are channeled. This
means that during their duration they’ll continue casting
while giving a certain effect. Blizzard for instance will cause damage
in a ground targeted AoE while Invocation will recharge your mana while
it’s channeling. Some spells are instant cast and have no
cast time.

Mana is not regenerated by
Spirit like other classes but instead by various abilities, Mage
armors, and talents. So it’s good to be aware of how fast
your mana is regenerating and when to use your abilities to restore
your mana to full. 

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Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016