WoW: Reputation Portal

by on Oct 09, 2009

We've got a new reputation portal out there for you to find all of our excellent reputation guides at. As if that wasn't enough, we've also got our "Gaining Favor" guide updated with new facts. If...

We've got a new reputation portal out there for you to find all of our excellent reputation guides at. As if that wasn't enough, we've also got our "Gaining Favor" guide updated with new facts. If you need to gain reputation then our reputation portal will be your first step to leveling up your rep for the items, the achievements, or enchants. We've even got class by class guides to what reputations can get you for you.

There are many ways to gain reputation. The following is a short list of the generic methods used to gain reputation. Each faction is unique in how you gain reputation with them so it differs from faction to faction. Be sure to look up the faction you intend to raise or lower your reputation with before setting out to do so.

Our Reputation Portal is your one stop shop for reputation guides.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016