WoW Servers

by on Dec 07, 2004

<IFRAME SRC="" WIDTH="310" HEIGHT="260" SCROLLING="NO" ALIGN="RIGHT" FRAMEBORDER="0"></iframe> <center><h1>WoW Servers</h1></center> <hr>

WoW Servers

The following is a list of all current World of Warcraft Servers and what category they fit under. If you wish to know the status of these servers they can be viewed at Blizzard's Server Status Page.

Please note that these servers are completely subject to change as Blizzard may add or remove servers as they see fit.

For further information on WoW servers, see our Census page.

Player vs. Player Servers

Altar of Storms Alterac Mountains Andorhal Anetheron Anub'arak Arthas Auchindoun Azshara Black Dragonflight Bleeding Hollow Burning Blade Dalvengyr Demon Soul Dentarg Eredar Executus Firetree Gorefiend Haomarush Jaedenar Korgath Lightnings Blade Magtheridon Malorne Mannoroth Scilla Shadow Moon Skullcrusher Smolderthorn The Forgotten Coast Tortheldrin Warsong Ysondre Zuluhed Blackrock Blackwing Lair Bonechewer Boulderfist Coilfang Crushridge Daggerspine Dark Iron Darrowmere Destromath Dethecus Dragonmaw Dunemaul Frostwolf Gorgonnash Gurubashi Kalecgos Kil'Jaeden Lethon Majev Ner'zhul Onyxia Rivendare Shattered Halls Shattered Hand Spinebreaker Spirestone Stonemaul Stormscale Thaurissan Tichondrius Ursin Vashj Aegwynn Agamaggan Akama Azgalor Balnazzar Blood Furnace Burning Legion Cho'gall Chromaggus Detheroc Drak'thul Frostmane Garithos Gul'dan Hakkar Illidan Laughing Skull Mal'Ganis Mug'thol Sargeras Stormreaver The Underbog Thunderlord Wildhammer Bloodscalp Darkspear Deathwing Kel'Thuzad Nathrezim

Player vs. Environment Servers

Area 52 Bloodhoof Dalaran Dath'Remar Durotan Duskwood Eldre'Thalas Elune Eonar Exodar Fenris Gilneas Kargath Khadgar Llane Lothar Medivih Nagrand Nazgrel Norgannon Shu'halo Stormrage Tanaris Terokkar Thrall Trollbane Turalyon Uldaman Undermine Ysera Zul'jin Aerie Peak Antonidas Anvilmar Arathor Arygos Azuremyst Baelgun Bladefist Bronzebeard Cenarius Draenor Dragonblight Echo Isles Gnomeregan Hyjal Kilrogg Korialstrasz Lightbringer Misha Moonrunner Nordrassil Proudmoore Shadowsong Silvermoon Skywall Suramar Uldum Uther Windrunner Aggramar Alexstrasza Alleria Blackhand Draka Eitrigg Garona Greymane Hellscream Hydraxis Kael'Thas Khaz Moda Kul Tiras Madoran Malfurion Malygos Mok'Nathal Muradin Quel'dorei Rexxar Runetotem Sen'jin Staghelm Thunderhorn Vek'nilash Whisperwind Azjol-Nerub Doomhammer Icecrown Perenolde Terenas Zangarmarsh

Role-Playing/Player vs. Environment Servers

Argent Dawn Earthen Ring Steamwheedle Cartel Blackwater Raiders Cenarion Circle Feathermoon Sentinels Silver Hand The Scryers Farstriders Kirin Tor Moon Guard Scarlet Crusade Sisters of Elune Thorium Brotherhood Shadow Council

Role-Playing/Player vs. Player Servers

Ravenholdt The Venture Co. Emerald Dream Lightninghoof Maelstrom Twisting Nether

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016