WoW: UI Mods and Addons for the Hunter

by on Apr 22, 2009

When it comes to selecting a mod or Addon for World of Warcraft there's no shortage of choices. there are many great mods out there, many aimed at specific classes. This week we take a look at some Addons that could benefit the hunter in combat and help make them more effective in battle.

There are a ton of add ons for World of Warcraft (WoW) and finding some of the better ones for the hunter can be a hunt itself. Luckily, there are many add ons that can aid in grouping, raiding, soloing, or just about any activity you might choose to undertake in WoW. However, we're going to look at a few aimed at helping the hunter dish out more damage or keep track of some important aspects they need to be aware of when they head out into the heroic dungeons or raiding areas of Azeroth.

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border="1" align="left"
style="margin: 10px; border-collapse: collapse; float: right; width: 200px; height: 210px;">

title="Kel'Thuzad" target="_blank"> src="" alt="Elkano's BuffBars" width="200" height="361"
style="border: 0px solid ; width: 200px; height: 361px;" />

Elkano's BuffBars can help the hunter keep track of buffs and debuffs more easily.

There are a ton of add ons for World of Warcraft (WoW) and finding some of the better ones for the hunter can be a hunt itself. Luckily, there are many add ons that can aid in grouping, raiding, soloing, or just about any activity you might choose to undertake in WoW. However, we're going to look at a few aimed at helping the hunter dish out more damage or keep track of some important aspects they need to be aware of when they head out into the heroic dungeons or raiding areas of Azeroth.

Elkano's BuffBars
Elkano's BuffBars provides a much better look for player buffs and debuffs than the standard UI layout. It comes with a customizable list that can track buffs and debuffs between the player or a given target. This comes in handy for keeping an eye on anything that has a timer that you may need to refresh at some point. It can also be a life saver on some raids such as Thaddius in Naxxramas where you need to pay close attention to the Polarity Shift charges.

Hunters have a few skills that proc at a given time such as the Beast Mastery skill Ferocious Inspiration. It's easier to see when these pop and what the timer on it is with this add on as it provides a nice big icon complete with a countdown clock.

This add on has a lot of customization options so you can set it up with as much or as little stuff as you want. The scaling option allows you to create a tracking bar that could fill the entire side of your screen or simply make it just big enough to see all the buffs and debuffs in battle. I highly recommend this one for hunters looking to keep track of those buff timers.

Download the add on from:

WoWAce Curse WoWInterface


border="1" align="left"
style="margin: 10px; border-collapse: collapse; float: left; width: 200px; height: 23px;">

title="Kel'Thuzad" target="_blank"> src="" alt="ZHunterMod" width="200" height="23"
style="border: 0px solid ; width: 200px; height: 23px;" />

ZHunterMod provides a lot of useful options for the hunter to take advantage of.

ZHunterMod is a great mod for hunters as it allows your tracking, aspect, trap, and pet skills to be condensed down onto 4 simple single icon bars that extend as you mouse over them. This eliminates a lot of clutter and frees up your hotbars for other things. This add on also comes with an Auto Shot timer bar that can help you get the timing right on your Auto Shots. By that I mean it helps you see what you might be doing wrong that slows your Auto Shot so that you can adjust and thus increase your damage output. ZHunterMod also comes with the option to broadcast certain skills to your group or raid such as when you fire your Misdirect shot and at whom, or if your Freezing Trap failed to catch a target.

ZHunterMod provides a good degree of customization, allowing you to move the bars and icons to a more suitable place. It even offers the option to choose which direction the bars will expand when you mouse over them. The commands are simple to remember such as /zhunter to open the options window or /zautoshot to open the Auto Shot timer. Overall this is a very good add on for the hunter and it complements the Bartender add on nicely.

Download the add on from:

Curse WoWInterface


border="1" align="left"
style="margin: 10px; border-collapse: collapse; float: right; width: 200px; height: 210px;">

title="Kel'Thuzad" target="_blank"> src="" alt="Kharthus's Hunter Timers" width="256" height="196"
style="border: 0px solid ; width: 200px; height: 154px;" />

Kharthus's Hunter Timers is a good way for hunters to keep track of their skill cooldown timers.

Kharthus's Hunter Timers
Kharthus's Hunter Timers is another useful mod for keeping track of those hunter skill timers. This mod keeps track of the hunters buffs and attacks during battle such as Auto Shot, Serpent Sting, tree specific buffs like Ferocious Inspiration and a lot more. This is very useful for keeping yourself informed when certain attacks drop off of an enemy that you want to keep on them during a fight such as Hunter's Mark. The window is small and the words and timer are still very readable, making it a nice compact mod to keep around if you want to stay informed on the timer on your skills. 

During your downtime the window will become a small icon. This decreases the clutter a bit and is a nice feature. You can move the window around to where you like it by holding ctrl and left clicking the small icon. Combine this add on with Elkano's BuffBars and you'll stay on top of every buff and attack skill the hunter can muster.

Download the add on from:

Curse WoWInterface


border="1" align="left"
style="margin: 10px; border-collapse: collapse; float: left; width: 200px; height: 59px;">

title="Kel'Thuzad" target="_blank"> src="" alt="RangeDisplay" width="200" height="59"
style="border: 0px solid ; width: 200px; height: 59px;" />

RangeDisplay provides a simple and easy to use way of measuring your ranged distance.

If you're looking for a mod that can help you determine the maximum range to a target so you can stay at max weapon range as often as possible, this is the one you want. This mod will allow you to keep track of the distance from your focus target and your hostile target by providing you with two small windows that will post real time distance as you fight. This is a good mod for Survival hunters who want to take full advantage of that extended range bonus.

RangeDisplay provides customizable options that allow you to set the distance and target tracked, and the font and color used. There's not a lot involved here. It's a simple and easy to use mod that will help you keep your distance about where you want it and avoid becoming road kill because you got just a little too close to that last boss.

Download the add on from:

WoWAce Curse WoWInterface


Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016