WoW: Ulduar - General Vezax Strategy

by on Sep 29, 2009

General Vezax is all that stands between you and Yogg-Saron in World of Warcraft's Ulduar instance. The General is a Faceless One who's sitting and waiting to pound you back out of Ulduar which is...

General Vezax is all that stands between you and Yogg-Saron in World of Warcraft's Ulduar instance. The General is a Faceless One who's sitting and waiting to pound you back out of Ulduar which is why we've got a guide to defeating the monstrous beast. Everything you need to know to get him down from experienced players who've seen his fall is included in our ultimate strategy guide to General Vezax.

Once engaged there are a few mechanics of the fight that need to be managed, none are that difficult individually, but all together take a little while to learn. Let's deal with the issues that melee and tanks have to worry about first. The most critical is that the General casts searing flames very often and MUST be interrupted each and every time. The best way to handle this is with a rogue, or two on a rotation. Any one that is missed will cause serious mana issues for healers as they attempt to restore everyone's health.

Our General Vezax strat is all you need to get this beast down for good.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016