Zul'Aman Minimum Requirements

by on Jun 10, 2008

<strong>Are you ready to deal with the Trolls?</strong>

Are you ready to deal with the Trolls?

Over time many players have entered Karazhan, some have succeeded, many have failed. Many see the loot in the next 10 man instance Zul'Aman try to rush to enter it before being properly geared. Not many places list what stats you really need to be there? As a raid leader it is hard to come up with standards on who gets an invite and who doesn't, as it's never fun telling someone that they can not go. That's where this guide by Byron "Messiah" Mudry steps in to help, by providing starting stats as to who should get in to Zul'Aman.

The biggest change from Karazhan to Zul'Aman is in the tanking + healing requirements, and the over all health and DPS requirements. Everything ramps up substantially from the Karazhan minimums. Tanks now needs at least 16k health buffed to comfortably tank the bosses, and more is always better. Also healers in general require over 1600 +healing. All members also need significantly more health to withstand AOE and charge type effects.

You can find all the details here: Zul'Aman Minimum Requirements.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016