10 Ways MMORPGs will Change the Future

by on Aug 13, 2005

I found an interesting article today, 10 Ways MMORPGs will Change the Future by David Wong. It discusses possible ways MMORPGs will take over and change the way we live in the future.

I found an interesting article today, 10 Ways MMORPGs will Change the Future by David Wong. It discusses possible ways MMORPGs will take over and change the way we live in the future. Some are a little far out there, but given how fast changes occur today, not completely unrealistic.

There are more people playing World of Warcraft in the U.S. today (two million) than had indoor plumbing 100 years ago. There are more people with blogs today (31 million) than had internet connections ten years ago.

Thomas Edison said it best: "Change happens with ball-flattening speed."

If you don't know what an "MMORPG" is, don't worry. It's a geek term, like "e-mail" used to be a geek term. For now let's just say it's the most instantly gripping, involving and demanding entertainment technology ever invented. The addiction rate appears to be about twice that of crack Cocaine. There are 10 million MMORPG users in the world and their population is doubling every two years.

You can read the whole article here.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016