A New Style of Hearthstone Tournament Will Challenge Deck Builders

by on Apr 28, 2015

The new "Challengestone" tournament will force players to think about deck building on their feet, and in a whole new way.

Octavian "Kripparrian" Morosan and Tempo/Storm have teamed up to create a brand new kind of tournament experience for Hearthstone players. Dubbed "Challengestone", this competition will aim to test players' ability to create brand new decks as much as it will their ability to pilot the decks to victory. In any popular card game, "net-decking" (using a proven deck list created by others rather than an original one) is always prevalent. However, Kripp feels that this practice doesn't truly show who the best players are, feeling that both the ability to create a deck and the ability to execute it properly are equally important when determining who the top players really are.

In an effort to create an environment to test both of these skills, the Challengestone tournament will set specific rules and guidelines for creating brand new decks on the fly, with the rules only revealed to the competitors shortly before the tournament begins. Kripp couldn't reveal all of the details, but he did promise several different "awesome" formats. This emphasis on deckbuilding should provide a fresh new take on Hearthstone, and will definitely make for some compelling matches. The tournament is an invitational, with the following players attending:

Lifecoach -- Nihilum
Trump -- Team SoloMid
StrifeCro -- Cloud9
Xixo -- Team Archon
Chakki -- Team Dignitas
Savjz -- Team Liquid
Kibler -- BMKgaming
Hyped -- Tempo/Storm


As would be expected, Kripp will be casting the event, and he will be joined by Dan "Artosis" Stemkoski. It will be streamed through Twitch on Tempo/Storm's channel May 9th and 10th beginning at 10:00am PDT, and you can check out the video below for more detail.


Last Updated: Mar 14, 2016