AARP Takes On EverQuest 2!

by on Jan 19, 2006

<strong>Think all MMO gamers demographically exist somewhere between college and kids?</strong> <p>You might be surprised, especially since the word <em>veteran</em> in "veteran gamer" doesn't usually refer to the 50-plus set! TTH's own Patrick "Troon" C

Think all MMO gamers demographically exist somewhere between college and kids?

You might be surprised, especially since the word veteran in "veteran gamer" doesn't usually refer to the 50-plus set! TTH's own Patrick "Troon" Connoy puts hands to keyboard to describe his introduction to and enjoyment of EverQuest 2. That is, as a proud member of a little-known (but steadily growing) gaming demographic!

MMO games are lots of fun, they’re entertaining and addictive, no matter what your age level is! In fact, SOE and the other publishers are probably missing out on a very large hidden market opportunity by not directly targeting us senior, or, in my case, “almost” senior citizens. We are a “massively” large group, with improvements in healthcare, growing larger in size every day. The AARP boasts 35 million paying members, more than the population of Australia or Canada. After retirement, we have more time on our hands than we know what to do with. We are always looking for ways to keep our minds sharp and trying to figure out these new fangled computers. And, best of all, all of our friends are dying off, so we need the social interaction that MMOG’s provide!!

Though we're still working on the large print edition, click here to check out the rest of this very engaging, tongue-in-cheek article!

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016