Age of Conan Launching New "Blood and Glory" PvP Ruleset Server

by on Mar 01, 2011

<p>Game Director Craig Morrison has posted his latest &quot;<em><a href="" target="

Game Director Craig Morrison has posted his latest "Monthly Development Update" for Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures (AoC). This month’s update brings some interesting news for hardcore PvP fans. While Funcom has avoided the topic of alternate ruleset servers for some time, they've finally decided to cave in on one very sought after PvP server ruleset.

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Funcom serves up another option for PvP enthusiasts.

This new server type will be coming to both US and EU players this May with the aptly titled "Blood and Glory" ruleset. What is this new ruleset you ask? Simply put, it's an old school PvP ruleset that will emphasize reputation and remove those pesky guards. The server will be a fresh-start, not allowing for transfers and players can only have one character to help ensure that reputation will matter.

The idea for this server type, which we shall call the 'Blood and Glory' servers for now, is to provide a more 'old school' PVP environment. This will be a server where your reputation and skill will mean something, and surviving will require you to keep your wits about you, and make good friends. It will, in effect, be intentionally uncompromising. This will very much be a 'live by the sword, die by the sword' type of server.

There will be no guards to protect you, so your survival will depend on your own skill and the help of friends and allies. PvP will be re-enabled in Tortage and a player-looting system will be enabled, which may include looted items from your un-equipped inventory and possible generated loot. More details on loot will be revealed at a later date.

The downside is that this may lead to the merging of other PvP servers to ensure the population remains high while offering the alternate option ruleset. You can read more about the new server ruleset plans on the official AoC website.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016