Aion Number Crunch Shows Interesting Break Down

by on Nov 14, 2009

Most of us look over the <i>Aion</i> server stats every now and again but rarely does someone actually take the stats and break them down. The folks at Massively did such a break down and it led to some...

Most of us look over the Aion server stats every now and again but rarely does someone actually take the stats and break them down. The folks at Massively did such a break down and it led to some interesting conclusions.

The results seem to show that the bulk of the population isn't moving along in level quite like they should in a progressing community.

The declining curve is quite dramatic after Aion's first month and a half. Over 64% of the population is between levels 1 to 20. It quickly plummets to 23% between levels 21-30. Across all servers, the average of players between levels 31 to 35 is 6.3%, levels 36 to 40 is 3.9%, levels 41 to 45 is 1.7%, and levels 46 to 50 is 0.8%.

As the game ages, one would expect this curve to eventually bubble in the middle and finally become a mirror image of the current curve (if these number represent active characters only). Then again, the slope could always look this way (if these numbers represent all characters ever created).

You can find the rest of the stats number crunch here.

So what does this mean? I suspect nothing. It would be a safe assumption that the stats include all characters on either active accounts or maybe even inactive accounts. I personally have a handful of characters under level 20 and only 1 over level 20 and I'm guessing that this is the norm for active players.

Can one possibly glean anything regarding game health based on these broad and officially undefined server stats? Share your thoughts by clicking the "Post your comments" link below.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016