Aion Paid Server Transfer Option Available Today

by on Apr 27, 2011

<p><em><a href="">Aion</a></em> opened up its &quot;Paid Transfer&quot; option today to allow players a new way to move to new servers for a small fee.

Aion opened up its "Paid Transfer" option today to allow players a new way to move to new servers for a small fee. Transfers will be available to players for $24.99 per character and will take between 24-48 hours to transfer to the new server. To ensure that the process goes smoothly, the feature will be turned on in phases throughout the day. If everything goes as planned, the function should be fully operational by 1:00pm PDT.

If you're considering a transfer, be sure to check out Aion's Transfer FAQ for more details.

Source: Aion website

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016