Aion Vision Trailer is Not a Specific Expansion

by on Dec 01, 2009

Speculation is flying regarding the G-star <i>Aion</i> video trailer that was released last week. Is it an expansion? Is it a free patch update?<br><br> Well, it seems that it isn't specifically either. <br><Br> In...

Speculation is flying regarding the G-star Aion video trailer that was released last week. Is it an expansion? Is it a free patch update?

Well, it seems that it isn't specifically either.

In a Twitter post Ayase announced "The vision trailer is not a specific patch/expansion - it's a vision of what we're hoping to get out there in the future." Happy players who were thinking that this was content that was slated to be announced or released soon are now wondering why the tease?

It seems rather than using the trailer as an announcement of sorts that the development team at NCsoft just wanted to keep players in the loop on the features that they are working on but they aren't quite ready to hammer down content announcements or release dates for any of the features that we viewed in the trailer. Has releasing a trailer with very little info included a poor idea? Post your thoughts by clicking the "Post your comments" link below!

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016