Anarchy Online Game Director Steps Down

by on Sep 19, 2012

<p><em>Anarchy Online’s</em> loses its game director as Fia &quot;Lindelu” Tjernberg bows out of her position as team lead.</p>

The hits keep coming over at Funcom. Yesterday Anarchy Online Game Director Fia "Lindelu” Tjernberg posted her farewell message to the community, taking her leave from the role of game director. Tjernberg took up the job as game director for Anarchy Online back in December and will be returning home to spend time with her family and a relative that and recently fallen ill. Tjernberg’s letter also indicates that following the recent cuts at Funcom, it will allow someone else to stay on with the team with her exit.

Now the time has come for me to leave my position as Game Director, an announcement that saddens me deeply as I love my job, but with the recent cuts in Funcom it makes sense for the project that I say goodbye sooner rather than later to ensure that we can keep someone else on the team. Even though this saddens me, I feel very good about going home to my man and my family again, as one of my closest ones have taken ill recently.

We would like to wish Fia "Lindelu” Tjernberg the best in her future endeavors and that her ill family member makes a speedy recovery.

Source: Tjernberg‘s Final Letter from the Game Director

Last Updated: Mar 14, 2016