AoC Developer Journal Explains Alternate Advancement System

by on Feb 24, 2010

<p>One of the most anticipated features scheduled for release with <a href="" target="_blank"><em>Age of Conan: Rise of the Godslayer</em></a> is the alternate adva

One of the most anticipated features scheduled for release with Age of Conan: Rise of the Godslayer is the alternate advancement system. If you're an old EverQuest veteran, you might remember this sort of system as an alternate method to keep your character progressing beyond simple leveling. Age of Conan's system, while similar, will be a bit different, allowing players to earn three kinds of points: Prowess, Mastery, and Expertise. These points can then be used to enhance a character by purchasing Feats and Perks. The entire system might seem a little confusing, but a new developer journal over at MMORPG breaks the system down and explains it in detail.

Players will be able to buy abilities using points earned through the alternate advancement system. The general tree is available to characters at level 20, while the archetype and class trees become available at level 80. The abilities in the general tree will scale with the player's level and means that lower level characters can also benefit from these new trees.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016