AoC to Tie into New Conan Movie

by on Aug 22, 2008

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Eurogamer is reporting news out of Leipzig confirming that Age of Conan Hyborian Adventures will be tying into the new Conan movie being produced by Lionsgate. The movie with a reported budget of over one hundred million dollars could be a future blockbuster, and Lionsgate has been known for making controversial films that surprise movie goers. How the two storylines might cross paths has not been revealed yet but it's safe to say this could lead to an interesting series of in-game events for the future of Hyboria.

Speaking at the Leipzig Games Convention, Funcom's Erling Ellingsen confirmed that the company's Age of Conan MMO will tie in with the new Conan film being produced by Lionsgate.

"The movie is set for release next year, and it's going to be a huge movie. Lionsgate recently announced that they're putting a hundred million dollars into it," Ellingsen said. No cast or director is attached to the film yet, however.

"We have a very close relationship with the guys making the movie," Ellingsen continued. "I had lunch with the producer just the other day. We're talking to them all the time.

"Yes, we will tie the two together."

You can read Eurogamers story here. Discuss it on our forums.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016