Auto Assault - A Whole Basket of News

by on Apr 20, 2006

There is so much Auto Assault News today that it would take about 10 to 15 news posts to list it all. So.. with that said and we're taking into the account that I'm a lazy typer, I'm going to give it all to you right here. Here's the news on the <a href=

There is so much Auto Assault News today that it would take about 10 to 15 news posts to list it all. So.. with that said and we're taking into the account that I'm a lazy typer, I'm going to give it all to you right here. Here's the news on the Auto Assault Official Page.

The list includes, a few reviews, a new guild and a hotfix. Here are the details on the hotfix.

Maintenance Hotfixes (April 19, 2006)

-Bug Fixes

* Fix to vehicles changing value after zoning.
* Fix to some enhancements applying incorrectly after being gadgeted.
* Tournaments now sort by the time their starting times, so you’ll see the next tournament to run displayed first.
* Fix to items just crafted having incorrect values on the server until a rezone.
* Fix to fun crash if no prefixes found.
* Fix for some vehicles and creatures having incorrect HPs.
* Language translation no longer happens for player names & clan names inside the game.
* Update to the patcher to correct issues with resumes and starting errors.


* Store buy/sell has a sound.

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Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016