Battlefront Predicted to Sell 13 Million Copies

by on Oct 29, 2015

The Star Wars battle simulator is predicting some big numbers.

Predicted sales for Star Wars Battlefront were coming in at about 10 million for the months leading up to the beta, but it seems the testing period results has impressed EA so much that they updated their forcasted sales to 13 million during the latest earnings call. CFO Blake Jorgensen was the one to make the announcement that due to the unexpectedly large turnout of players to the beta, they were shifting their expectations a little higher.

On Battlefront alone, EA has reaised their projected revenue for the year by 50 million dollars. Sales are expected to continues for the ame, as expansion packs and map packs are released throughout the year. 

The big factor in all of this expectaion is of course the mammoth beta that recently ended which had near 10 million players take part and log game time in the billions of minutes. 

Star Wars Battlefront releases in a few short weeks for all the major systems including the Xbox One, Playstation 4 and PC.

Last Updated: Mar 21, 2016