Big Changes Hitting the Secret World

by on Jan 22, 2009

Over at Ragnar Tornquist's blog, the pseudo-official source for all things <a href="" target="_blank">The Secret World</a>, the game director for the upcom

Over at Ragnar Tornquist's blog, the pseudo-official source for all things The Secret World, the game director for the upcoming horror MMO talks about a number of "Big Changes" that are changing some of the development decisions that are going on with the title. While it sounds like things aren't necessarily being re-developed, it does appear that the Funcom folks are interested in pushing this game into the MMO stratosphere. A big thanks go out to Annatar on our forums for digging this one up.

Here's a chunk of his post:

So what’s changing? It’s a bit too early to talk about details. Rest assured that little of what you’ve seen so far will change dramatically: it’s the stuff we haven’t shown (or, indeed, made yet) that’s gone back to the drawing board. The story and the setting is the same as it’s been since the early 00’s. The locations, the conspiracies and mysteries, the vast history, intriguing characters and fantastical creatures, the light and the darkness - it’s all there. The gameplay is going through a redesign - for the better, let me assure you - and we’re revisiting content produced in the past two years to lift it up to a whole new level. Not necessarily graphically, because the game already looks amazing, but to link everything thematically, to emphasise the importance of the story, to add contrast and drama and spectacle, to create a world that people will want to experience and live in. Permanently.

You can read the entire thing by clicking on over to Ragnar's blog.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016