Big Hearthstone News to Be Announced on July 22nd

by on Jul 03, 2015

Let the speculation begin!

Mark your calendars for July 22nd, because some big Hearthstone news will be coming your way. It seems that PCGamer received a scroll in the mail today, one that instructs to get ready for the aforementioned date.

It would certainly appear that this will be an announcement of a new card expansion. As to what the theme will be, we can only guess. While I've mentioned before that I would love to see more Pirate-themed support, there were subtle clues that hinted at something else. When the scroll was opened, trumpets and fanfare played, which apparently sounded quite similar to the theme from the Argent Tournament, an event from World of Warcraft's Wrath of the Lich King expansion. The wording and style of the note would also seem to support the idea that this could very well be the theme of the new expansion.

No matter what the theme, new content is sure to be welcomed by the community. The metagame has more or less been fairly settled for a while now, with the strongest decks all but figured out by a large portion of the player base, and particularly by the pros. Now, it seems we'll just have to wait a bit longer to get our first glimpse at what a new expansion might bring.

Here is an image of the scroll in question, to whet your appetite:

Last Updated: Mar 21, 2016