BioWare Responds to Missing SWTOR CE Codes

by on Dec 21, 2011

<p>Some<em> Star wars: The Old Republic</em> customers have found that their CE game box was missing a code. Find out what you can do if you’re one of them.

While the launch of Star Wars: The Old Republic has been pretty good from a technical standpoint, but it appears that there may have been a little issue relating to boxed product codes. Some fans have noticed after opening their Star Wars: The Old Republic Collector's Edition box that the game product code was either not in there or was unreadable. That’s quite a problem given that it’s pretty much the most important part of the box. Luckily, BioWare is aware of the problem and has put things into motion to help out any customers affected.

If you popped open your Star Wars: The Old Republic Collector's Edition box to find one of these two problems and for some strange reason it appeared that your Darth Malgus statue was laughing at you, here is the post from the official forums on what you can do to resolve the issue. As for the issue of the laughing Malgus, you're on your own.

Hey everyone,

If you have purchased a retail copy of Star Wars: The Old Republic and find the Product Registration Code missing or unreadable please email with the following details:

The subject "Product Code Proof" in your email title. A detailed description of your problem. Attach a scan of your proof of purchase (receipt). Please write the name of the account holder on the receipt. Please make sure that your name is clearly readable on the scan.

Customer Service will get back to you as soon as they can.

Thank you for your patience!

Source: Star Wars: The Old Republic Forums – Collector’s Edition Missing Product Key

Last Updated: Mar 14, 2016