Black Ops 3 for PC Suffers Major Glitches on Launch Day

by on Nov 06, 2015

The PC version of Black Ops 3 came out of the gate with a few bugs in tow.

If you're one of the many Black Ops players that purchased the game for console, consider yourself one of the lucky ones. The PC crowd has not been so lucky, as they received a game with some pretty major bugs that make it almost unplayable at parts. The major complaint that seems to be tearing through the internet is the extremely low frame rates that stutter and stop completely at times. Other players have claimed that their copy wont even start, despite meeting the system specifications.

The team at Treyarch are aware of the issue and have posted several updates to steam with methods you can use to solve the stutters.

We have noticed that some systems may get better input response with FPS Cap set just below refresh rate. If you have a 60hz monitor, you can try enabling Vsync and setting your FPS Cap to 58. 

Apart from some forum posts, there hasn't been a whole lot of official response from Treyarch who are presumably busy trying to fix their game. We can only hope they get it things back on track before the already mixed feelings of the game turn into complete revolt.


Last Updated: Mar 21, 2016