Black Ops 3 New Live Action Trailer

by on Nov 03, 2015

The streak of live action trailers continues.

Continuing the streak of Call of Duty games with live action trailers, this latest installment is a Kevin filled romp starring some recognizable faces including Michael B. Jordon, Marshawn Lynch And Cara Delevigne. Kevin takes up the majority of the action, representing the every man hero in Black Ops 3. Jordon narrates his exploits in the game (including a cameo by Lynch who never gets to go beast mode) until a  camping Cara finally makes her appearance.

Live action trailers have become extremely popular for AAA games, with new franchises joining in on the fun all the time. Fallout 4 was one of the latest new comers to the medium, and it's definitely helped up the hype factor for a game that nobody thought they could get more excited for. 

Black Ops 3 is only a short couple days away now when it launches on the PS4, Xbox One and PC November 6th.

Last Updated: Mar 21, 2016