Black Ops 3 to Get Modding Tools on PC

by on Nov 03, 2015

One more reason to join the PC crowd for Black Ops 3.

If you're planning on getting the latest Call of Duty game, Black Ops 3 on PC then your choice just became a little wiser. In an official blog post, Treyarch has announced that Call of Duty Black Ops 3 will be receiving modding tools sometime in 2016. Not a whole lot of details were revealed on the new tool set, but the current plan for included features is as follows:

You will be able to create Maps & Game Modes and more! We will include Unranked Dedicated Server Files with the tools so you can run servers with modded content anywhere you choose. We will provide an Unranked Server Browser so you can easily find and join servers with modded content. Closed Alpha target date:  March 2016

This is great news for Black Ops fans that grow tired of the standard playlists and game modes and want to look for (or create) something a little crazier or intense. It's also a good move on Treyarch's part. Games with modding communities tend to have a more passionate loyal fan abse than those that don't. Plus their game gets free content without them having to actually do anything!

Last Updated: Mar 21, 2016