Blizzard April Fools Joke a Reality

by on Dec 03, 2008

<strong>Programmer makes good on Blizzard Joke</strong>

Programmer makes good on Blizzard Joke

Last year Blizzard announced the launch of an Atari 2600 game that would mimic the World of Warcraft Molten Core raid experience. A programmer recently made good on Blizzards joke with the release of an actual version of the game, that while run on PC, looks like an Atari 2600 game.

4. Q: Why would you do something like this?

A: For the fun of it, honestly. I am a big WoW fanatic and this is something of a loveletter to Blizzard for their fantastic games over the years. Also, I wanted to see if I could raise any money through donations for my upcoming wedding (on 11/30/08). But mostly, I wanted to learn and become more proficient with Multimedia Fusion 2 Developer, (and of course, become an internet superstar. ) :P

You can find the game for download here: Gamer's University. You can find Blizzard's original post and joke here.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016