Blizzard Gives Compensation for Level 90 Character Boosts

by on Nov 11, 2015

If you recently purchased a level 90 character boost, it will be replaced with a level 100 boost free of charge.

Character boosts, a paid way to level your character, were first put into play at the start of Warlords of Draenor. As we all know, this system is remaining in place in Legion, where players will be able to boost their characters to level 100 for real world cash. With BlizzCon over and done with and Legion closer than ever; level 100 boots have now been added to the Store in place of their old level 90 counterparts. However, nothing is ever simple and this change from level 90 to level 100 has caused quite a stir. It seems that some players have felt a bit cheated that they recently purchased a level 90 boost and they could have had a level 100 boost just a few days later for the same price.

However, Blizzard has solved the problem and in a really nice way. If you purchased a boost within the last few weeks (October 30 to November 6); you will receive an additional level 100 boost token that can be used on any character on that account. Even if you have already used the level 90 boost in question, you will still receive the level 100 boost as compensation. Think it seems too good to be true? Here is a look at the official post on the matter:

While many players will be salty at having missed the cutoff dates, they have to draw a line somewhere and you can never make everyone happy. While I think this was the right move, it wasn't one that they had to  make. In fact, the company was under no obligation at all to do anything about this matter, but they did. It is really refreshing to see Blizzard reaching out their hands to fans and saying we care, even after all these years. Kudos to Blizzard for going the extra mile in this case to keep their fans happy.

Last Updated: Mar 21, 2016